Unit 5: Peer_Coaching

The Future of Education requires ALL learners to be self-reliant & well connected researchers.

There is no room for SIT & WAIT.


  • Why is it important to be a member of a Professional Learning Community (PLC)?

  • Does Texas host a PLC? Yes, many...

Too often we sit in our classrooms and imagine that we are teaching our students with the best of our abilities. We too often exhibit a false sense of "well being" because we have not compared ourselves to global standards or connected with other folks who have broken the "sound barriers" of confined, archaic, regional thinking. To discover how obsolete and imprisoned our practices might have become, we need to strive, as self-reliant researchers.

If we are honest, we will upgrade our instructional choices based on an informed world-view. We can formulate our vision of education based on what is required in the global marketplace. We might view our students as "locals" with limited prospects, but in truth, their livelihood and future success has already become enmeshed in global issues and world-wide standards.

To deny students the right to an education that incorporates modern standards (creativity, communication, collaboration, decision making, innovation, research & information fluency, digital citizenship, technology literacy), is more than a crime.

How can you assist your peers in becoming more "well connected" and "self-reliant" researchers? How can you help other educators learn to better represent a current world-view?

I. Read this Website: http://www.maggiehosmcgrane.com/2014/11/what-is-role-of-technology-integration.html

II. Understand the Role of Integration

III Understand the Role of the Teacher

IV. Understand the Role of the Student

V. Understand the Role of Professional Development


I. How can you involve your peers in a Professional Learning Network that reaches beyond your campus walls?

II. Before Completing the Coaching Form Below, Visit the Resources on Loti Here:

  • Make sure you understand the Level of Technology Integration (LoTi)

  • Make sure you understand what the Teacher Does (LoTi Framework) and what the Student Does (HEAT) to demonstrate the level of integration.

III. Create a Coaching Plan that can be implemented on your campus using the following template.

Unit 1 Definitions

Unit 2 Building Online Skills

  • Blended Learning

  • Integrated Curriculum

  • Project-based Engagement

  • STEM

Unit 3 Building a Website

Unit 4 Digital Citizenship

Unit 5 Coaching Others