
Building Your ONLINE Skills

I. Watch the following videos

(1) VIDEO: Why Blended Learning is Important

(2) VIDEO:

(3) VIDEO:

(4) VIDEO:

(5) VIDEO:

(6) Watch this PowerPoint

II. Reflect on what you learned.

III. Use the information from the videos and your online research skills to answer the following questions in detail. You will create a PowToons later that will summarize the most significant ideas from this research.

  1. How long do you think a video should be for learning a concept online?

  2. How do you think you should gain feedback or communicate with your e-learners?

  3. How can you support your online instruction with offline or uploaded instructional pieces? (handouts, examples, activities QuickStarts)

  4. How can you make your lesson easier for your students to follow? (Instructions, step-by-steps, and assignments)

  5. How might you utilize calendars and/or schedules with your e-learners?

  6. What are the differences between Asynchronous vs Synchronous Learning procedures? Which do you think has an advantage?

  7. Research and then list tools you might use for both Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning opportunities.

IV. USE THIS FORM TO ANSWER THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Please make sure your answers are detailed and complete.

V. USE POWTOONS to build a YouTube video that explains the most powerful ideas you learned from the research you have just completed. If you would like a tutorial on PowToons, use these tutorials. Tweet to #ArpSHARE the URL of your YouTube video.

Unit 1 Definitions

Unit 2 Building Online Skills

  • Blended Learning

  • Integrated Curriculum

  • Project-based Engagement

  • STEM

Unit 3 Building a Website

Unit 4 Digital Citizenship

Unit 5 Coaching Others