
Sustainability / Securing Funding

Arp schools continually seek alternative funding to address the needs of our students. Arp ISD benefits from funding through grants and partnerships through state, local, Erate (80% district) funding, TEA, state allotment, Federal Challenge Grants, TARGET Grants (ESC7 and SUPERNet), INTEL(c), foundations and business partners. Arp ISD’s local budget includes a 100 % match of the state technology allotment. Currently, Arp has partnerships assisting in technology acquisitions with INTEL©, Microsoft, Corbey Company, SUPERNet, NETNet, NASA, Tyler Junior College, University of Texas at Tyler, Texas State Technical College, TECH PREP, School-to-Careers, and University Health Science Center. Other partners include SEDL, Tiger Trails, Science Discovery Place, TCET, and Region VII ESC.

The Arp schools provide guest accounts and public for community, parents, students, and teachers. Since 1999, the district has provided distance learning and Interactive Television/Voice/Data to community members through the UT Health Science Center, RTDC, ESC7, and Tyler Junior College. The district has a vigorous migration policy and computer checkout policy. Many of these amenities were initiated during earlier grants,TIE 3 & 4 and TIF PS-6, and continue even stronger today.

The district promotes personal accountability for all technology tools. All faculty members who receive training in the Arp district are held accountable for implementing new skills into the curriculum. The district evaluation tool allows all levels of experienced teachers to feel successful and to build growth plans for future goals. Levels of Technology Integration (LoTI) are assessed during walk-throughs and PDAS evaluations. The levels of experience are identified for teacher management and the resulting student performance and competency. Strands at each level are identified in the following areas: collaboration, research & information skills, communication skills, character education, technology integration, rubric management /authentic assessment, and community service or interaction. Holding teachers and students accountable is key to sustainability of all district and campus initiatives.

Sustainability / Maintenance and Upgrades

Arp ISD offers students the opportunity to participate in the SWAT Program (Students Working to Assist Technology.) These students actively support the district technology department in maintenance, deployment, re-allocation, updating, help-desk, and inventory schedules. A cohort of teachers has been trained on each campus to deliver first response technical assistance. These teachers are voluntary Instructional Technologists and receive extra training each year to support their positions.