Did you know? Two Tips for easier communication and collaboration.

TIP 1. If someone emails you something and you delete it, it remains in your trash for 30 days before Google deletes it. How do you retrieve something quickly from your trash? Or actually from any email folder?

Follow these STEPS:

1. Use the Search Box at the top of your email. Place keywords in the box and notice that items will start to appear in the search menu that are actually found in your email folders. Here is an example: I typed "inservice schedule" in the search box and "inservice schedule for june" appeared in the search menu. Google will find this document even if it is in your "TRASH" folder.

  • By clicking on this option (inservice schedule for june) ALL discussion about the in-service schedule for June will now appear in your email list.

  • You may open each item to search for the information you need.

    • HINT 1: if you are looking for an attachment, look only at emails that have the paperclip.

      • HINT 2: You don't need to empty your Trash....Let Google do it for you!

  • Use the Back Arrow to return to your search results until you are finished looking for the item.

2. To RETURN to your INBOX, Click on the Left-hand Menu "Inbox"

TIP 2: If someone SHARES an item in Google Drive with you and you lose the email OR you forget where the "SHARE" is located, follow these STEPS.

1. Open Google Drive

2. Click on SHARED with ME

3. Now conduct a Shared Search. In this example, I remembered that someone shared the Ground Breaking Pictures with all of us. So my search keyword was simply "ground" and up popped two choices: (1) a folder full of pictures and (2) a Presentation

What we have learned is: (1) We can always find something that was sent to us either by email, even if we deleted it within the last 30 days AND (2) We can always find something that was shared with us, even if it was booooocoooos of months ago.

Happy Googling!