Y Fagloriaeth Gymreig

Pam Astudio’r Fagloriaeth Gymreig?

Mae’r Fagloriaeth Cymru erbyn hyn yn rhan annatod o gwricwlwm ein disgyblion yng Nghwm Rhymni. Mae pob disgybl yn astudio’r cymhwyster ar y lefel sydd fwyaf addas ar gyfer eu gallu. Gwahoddir nifer o westeion i wersi’r Fagloriaeth, ac mae’r disgyblion yn cael mynd ar ymweliadau lleol a chenedlaethol er mwyn datblygu sgiliau a chynyddu dyheadau. Mae’r ysgol wedi cyflwyno’r cymhwyster cyffroes yma mewn ffordd fywiog a pherthnasol, sy’n rhoi cyfle i bob un disgybl i ddatblygu fel dysgwyr chwilfrydig ac annibynnol. Mae’r Fagloriaeth Cymru yn elfen bwysig o ddarpariaeth y Chweched dosbarth yn ogystal, ein hamcan ydy bod pob dysgwr yn gadael Cwm Rhymni gydag o leiaf un o lefelau’r Fagloriaeth, hyd at y lefel uchaf sy’n gyfwerth ag A* ar Lefel A.

Why Study the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification?

The Welsh Baccalaureate qualification has become an integral part of our pupils’ curriculum. Our students will study the diploma at the level most appropriate to their learning. Many guest speakers are invited to Welsh Baccalaureate lessons, as well as pupils being able to participate in field trips both locally and nationally. The school has taken every opportunity to introduce this exciting qualification in a lively and relevant way, which allows every opportunity to educate our pupils to become inquisitive and independent learners. The Welsh Baccalaureate is also an important element of our Sixth form provision and our aim is that every learner leaves Cwm Rhymni with at least one of the levels of the Welsh Baccalaureate, the highest level being the equivalent to an A* Grade at A Level.

Gwerth Y Cwrs / What is the course worth?

Mae’r Fagloriaeth Cymru yn seiliedig ar Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau ynghyd â Chymwysterau Ategol. Rhaid bodloni gofynion y Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau a'r Cymwysterau Ategol er mwyn cyflawni Bagloriaeth Cymru yn ei chyfanrwydd.

Mae’r Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau yn gyfwerth â TGAU ychwanegol ac yn ennill A*-C ar lefel Genedlaethol a Llwyddo* neu Llwyddo ar lefel Sylfaen.

The Welsh Baccalaureate is based on a Skills Challenge Certificate alongside Supporting Qualifications. The requirements of both the Skills Challenge Certificate and Supporting Qualifications must be met in order to achieve the overarching Welsh Baccalaureate.

The Skills Challenge Certificate is equivalent to an additional GCSE and is awarded A*-C at National Level and at Pass* or Pass at Foundation level.

Beth yw'r Fagloriaeth Gymreig? / What is the Welsh Baccalaureate?

Ffocws canolog Bagloriaeth Cymru yw darparu cyfrwng i atgyfnerthu a meithrin sgiliau hanfodol a chyflogadwyedd. Bydd y cymhwyster yn helpu dysgwyr i baratoi ar gyfer y dyfodol drwy feithrin sgiliau, priodoleddau a mathau o ymddygiad a gaiff eu gwerthfawrogi gan addysgwyr addysg uwch a darpar gyflogwyr. Bydd y dysgwyr yn meithrin sgiliau yng nghyd-destun tasgau pwrpasol a gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth briodol.

Drwy Fagloriaeth Cymru, bydd y dysgwyr yn codi eu lefelau sgiliau a'u hyder, gan eu galluogi a'u grymuso i ymgymryd â'u rôl fel dinasyddion cyfrifol a gweithgar o fewn cymdeithas amrywiol. Ar y cyd â'r broses o feithrin sgiliau a thrwy'r broses honno, mae Bagloriaeth Cymru yn rhoi'r cyfle i'r dysgwyr feithrin eu gwybodaeth a'u dealltwriaeth o gymdeithas, y gymuned maent yn byw ynddi ac ymwybyddiaeth o faterion, digwyddiadau a phersbectifau byd-eang.

The central focus of the Welsh Baccalaureate is to provide a vehicle for learners to consolidate and develop essential and employability skills. The qualification will help learners to prepare for their future by developing skills, attributes and behaviours valued by higher education institutes and potential employers. Learners will develop skills in the context of purposeful tasks and appropriate knowledge and understanding.

Through the Welsh Baccalaureate learners will raise their skills levels and confidence, enabling and empowering them to take their place as responsible and active citizens within a diverse society. Alongside and through the development of skills, the Welsh Baccalaureate provides learners with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of society, the community in which they live and an awareness of global issues, events and perspectives.