Astudiaethau Crefyddol

Ast Cref Cymraeg.mp4
Ast Cref Saesneg.mp4

​Pam dewis Astudiaethau Crefyddol?

Ym mlynyddoedd 10 ac 11 fe fydd disgyblion yn dewis Astudiaethau Crefyddol T.G.A.U yn canolbwyntio ar ddwy o brif grefyddau’r byd sydd wedi dylanwadu’n aruthrol ar hanes a syniadaeth y byd modern.

Oherwydd ei fod yn ddiddorol. Mae’n delio â’r materion mawr sy’n fwyaf pwysig mewn bywyd dynol.

​Mae crefydd yn ymwneud yn llwyr â phobl a’u:

  • credoau a’u gwerthoedd

  • perthynasedd

  • breuddwydion a gobeithion

  • ofnau a methiannau.

Bydd Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn eich helpu chi i ddeall beth y mae rhai o’r meddylwyr ac arweinwyr mawr wedi’i ddarganfod. Bydd yn rhoi gwell dealltwriaeth i chi o bobl eraill, a sut mae’r pethau maen nhw’n credu ynddynt yn effeithio ar eu gweithgareddau, eu gwerthoedd a’u dulliau o fyw.

Bydd yn eich herio chi i feddwl drosoch eich hun ac i ddatblygu eich sgiliau deall ac ymresymu.

Why study Religious Studies?

In years 10 and 11 pupils who choose G.C.S.E Religious Studies will concentrate on two major world religions which have had an enormous impact on the ideas and history of the modern world.

Because, first and foremost for its interesting nature. Religious Studies deal with a range of topical and moral questions that lie at the heart of human existence.

Religious Studies provide you with the chance to study other cultures and consider their:

  • Beliefs and Values

  • Relationships

  • Hopes and Dreams

  • Fears and Failings

By studying Religious Studies at G.C.S.E, you will gain insight into some of the leading socio-political theories and discoveries of our time. In this way, you will achieve a broader understanding of global communities and the ways in which differences in their belief systems impact on their actions, values and ways of living.

Religious Studies will challenge you to become a skilled and national thinker, reflect on your own beliefs and develop adept levels of insight and understanding.

Asesu / Assessment

Uned 1:

Ymatebion Crefyddol i agweddau athronyddol.

Arholiad ysgrifenedig o 2 awr. 50% o’r cymhwyster.

Mae’n rhaid i ymgeiswyr astudio dwy o gredaou/dysgeidiaethau craidd o ddau o arferion Cristnogol ac un o arall o chwe prif grefydd y byd. Mae rhaid hefyd astudio’r ddwy thema athronyddol Bywyd ar ôl Marwolaeth a Daioni a Drygioni o bersbectif y ddwy gred.

Uned 2:

Ymatebion Crefyddol i agweddau Foesol.

Arholiad 2 awr. 50% o’r cymhwyster.

Mae’n rhaid i ymgeiswyr astudio dwy o gredoau/dysgeidiaethau craidd o ddau o arferion Cristnogol ac un o arall o chwe prif grefydd y byd. Mae rhaid hefyd astudio’r ddwy thema foesegol Perthnasoedd a Hawliau Dynol o bersbectif y ddwy gred.

Unit 1:

Religious Responses to Philosophical Themes.

Written examination of 2 hours. 50% of qualification.

Pupils will study two core beliefs/teachings and two practices of Christianity and one other of the six main religions of the world. Pupils will also study the two philosophical themes of Life and Death and Good and Evil from the perspective of the two religions.

Unit 2:

Religious Responses to Ethical Themes.

Written examination of 2 hours. 50% of qualification.

Pupils will study two core beliefs/teachings and two practices of Christianity and one other of the six main religions of the world. Pupils will also study the two ethical themes of Relationships and Human Rights from the perspective of the two religions