
TGAU Ffotograffiaeth / GCSE Photography

Beth yw strwythur y cwrs?

Rhannir y cwrs mewn i dau rhan sef:

  • Portfolio (60%) - gwaith cwrs

  • Arholiad Allanol (40%)

Portfolio (60%)

Yn ystod Blwyddyn 10 a dechrau Blwyddyn 11 fe fydd disgwyl i chi weithio ar bortffolio digidol. Fe fydd y portffolio yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o ddogfennau megis astudiaethau o ffotograffwyr parod, arbrofion Photoshop ac animeiddio / ffilm, gwaith ymchwil ar thema personol sydd wedyn yn arwain tuag at ddeilliant terfynol. Dylid ddangos llifedd o un agwedd o’r portffolio i’r llall. Mae testun cychwynnol y portffolio wedi’w gosod yn fewnol gan yr adran.

Arholiad Allanol (40%)

Yn debyg i’r waith cwrs o gynhyrchu portffolio fe fydd rhaid i chi greu prosiect newydd ar raddfa llai gyda thestun sydd wedi’w osod yn allanol gan y bwrdd arholi: CBAC. ar ôl cyflawni eich portffolio newydd mae disgwyl i chi greu deilliant terfynol yn yr un modd a’r gwaith cwrs. Yn wahanol y tro yma fe fydd rhaid i chi creu eich darn terfynol o dan amodau arholiad a dros cyfnod o 10 awr.

Sut ydyn ni’n asesu eich gwaith?

Rhannir yr amcanion asesu yn ôl y 4 is destun isod:

AA1 - Artistiaid

Er mwyn cyflawni'r amcan yma fe fydd ymgeiswyr yn astudio gwaith ffotograffwyr ac artistiaid digidol adnabyddus. Gofynnir i ymgeiswyr cyflawni'r amcan yma trwy gyflwyno cyfuniad o ymatebion ysgrifenedig a gweledol ar ffurf adroddiadau ac astudiaethiaethau uniongyrchol o'r gwaith. Fe fydd yr artistiaid ag astudir yn siapio dealltwriaeth a syniadau terfynol.

AA2 - Arbrofi Creadigol

Er mwyn cyflawni'r amcan yma fe fydd ymgeiswyr yn arbrofi gydag adnoddau, cyfryngau, defnyddiau, technegau a phrosesau gwahanol sydd yn ymateb i'r artistiaid a ddewisir neu i'r thema ac astudir. Fe fydd hwn yn cynnwys defnyddio rhaglenni fel Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate, apiau cyffredin ffeindir ar ffonau clyfar a llawer mwy.

AA3 - Ymchwil Personol

Er mwyn cyflawni'r amcan yma fe ddisgwyl ymgeiswyr cyflwyno portffolio digidol gydag amrywiaeth o waith ymchwil personol sydd yn gysylltiedig gyda themâu ac astudir. Fe fydd mwyafrif o hwn yn cael eu cyflwyno ar ffurf ffotograffau llaw gyntaf (cymerid gan yr ymgeiswyr) a ffotograffau ail law (cymerwyd gan ffynonellau allanol). Mae hefyd disgwyl i ymgeiswyr anodi eu gwaith ymchwil er mwyn esbonio eu bwriadau. Cyflwynir y gwaith yma i gyd ar y rhaglen 'Canva'.

AA4 - Deilliant Terfynol

Er mwyn cyflawni'r amcan yma fe ddisgwyl ymgeiswyr cwmpasu'r holl elfennau blaenorol er mwyn cynllunio, mireinio ac wedyn creu deilliant terfynol. Dylid weld deilliant y prosiect cyfan o fewn y deilliant terfynol. Fe fydd deilliant terfynol yn arddangos priodweddau'r artistiaid ac astudir, arbrofion mwyaf llwyddiannus yr ymgeiswyr ac hefyd yn arddangos thema yr ymgeiswr yn glir.

Os yn chwilio am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch gydag unrhyw aelod o’r adran Gelf.

How is the course structured?

This course is split into two parts, which include:

  • Portfolio (60%) - course work

  • External Examination (40%)

Portfolio (60%)

During year 10 and the start of year 11 candidates are required to produce a digital portfolio. This portfolio should include a range of documents such as analyses of other photographers, Photoshop and animation / film experimentations, personal research conducted on a subject of choice which all lead towards a final outcome. The portfolio should show fluidity from one aspect to the next. The starting theme for this portfolio is to be set internally by the department.

External Examination (40%)

Similarly to the course work the external examination asks for a portfolio to be created however this is on a much lesser scale and the theme has been set externally by the exam board: WJEC. After completing your new portfolio candidates are expected to create their final pieces. However, this piece is required to be produced under exam conditions over a period of 10 hours.

How do we assess your work?

There are four assessment objectives which are as follows:

AO1 - Artists

To complete this objective candidates will be required to study the work of renowned photographers and digital artists. Candidates will be asked to present this objective with a combination of written reports and visual responses e.g. direct copy of the artist's work. The artists studied will shape and develop understanding and final outcomes.

AO2 - Creative Experimentation

To complete this objective candidates will be required to experiment with a range of equipment, media, materials, techniques and processes that coincide with the artists and themes chosen. This includes using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate, general smartphone apps and many more.

AO3 - Personal Research

To complete this objective candidates will be required to present a digital portfolio with a range of personal research which coincides with the themes decided to explore. The majority of this research will be presented as first hand photographs (taken by the student) and second hand photographs (taken by third parties). Candidates are also expected to annotate their research to explain their intentions. This work will be presented on the programme 'Canva'.

AO4 - Final Outcome

To complete this objective candidates will be required to collate all elements previously studied in order to plan, modify and create a final outcome. The final outcome should present fluidity of the individual project. A successful outcome will present the characteristics of the artists studied, the candidate's most successful experimentations can nod towards the individual's chosen theme clearly.

If looking for further information on this course please contact a member of the Art department.