Addysg Gorfforol

Addysg Gorfforol Cymraeg.pptx
D_Addysg Gorfforol.MP4

Pam astudio Addysg Gorfforol?

Mae’r fanyleb hon wedi’i llunio i ganiatáu i ddysgwyr ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o addysg gorfforol mewn amrywiaeth eang o gyd-destunau. Mae’r fanyleb wedi’i chynllunio i integreiddio theori ac arfer gyda’r pwyslais ar gymhwyso gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol. Mae hyn yn gofyn am YMRODDIAD LLAWN gan y disgybl yn y gwaith ymarferol.

Bydd dealltwriaeth o'r ochr wyddonol, biolegol a chymdeithasol yn angenrheidiol ac yn rhan o'r cwrs ysgrifenedig.Bydd dwy awr bob wythnos, fel arfer, awr yn ymwneud â'r gwaith ymarferol ag awr yn ymwneud â'r gwaith ysgrifenedig.

Why study Physical Education?

This specification has been designed to allow learners to develop an appreciation of physical education in a wide range of contexts. The specification is designed to integrate theory and practice with the emphasis on the application of theoretical knowledge. This asks for pupils to be FULLY COMMITTED in all practical work. The understanding of the scientific, biological and sociological aspects of sport is essential and will take up most of the written coursework. The work will be covered in two hours per week, usually, one hour for the practical, and one for the theoretical components.

Asesu / Assessment

Uned 1:

Cyflwyniad i addysg gorfforol - Arholiad Ysgrifenedig 2 Awr (50% o’r cymhwyster)

Mae cynnwys y pwnc yn canolbwyntio ar bum maes allweddol:

  1. Iechyd, ymarfer (training) ac ymarfer corff (exercise).

  2. Ffisioleg ymarfer corff (exercise).

  3. Dadansoddi symud.

  4. Seicoleg chwaraeon a gweithgaredd corfforol.

  5. Materion diwylliannol gymdeithasol mewn chwaraeon a gweithgaredd corfforol.

Asesir dysgwyr drwy amrywiaeth o gwestiynau byr ac estynedig. Bydd y cwestiynau yn seiliedig ar ysgogiadau clyweled a ffynonellau eraill.

Uned 2:

Y cyfranogwr gweithredol mewn addysg gorfforol - Gwaith Ymarferol (50% o’r cymhwyster)

Asesir dysgwyr yn y canlynol:

  1. Tri gweithgaredd gwahanol yn rôl perfformiwr.

  2. Leiaf un gamp ar gyfer unigolyn ac un gamp ar gyfer tîm ac un arall.

  3. Rhaglen ffitrwydd bersonol yn gysylltiedig â’r prif weithgaredd dewisol.

Unit 1:

Introduction to physical education - 2 Hour written examination (50% of the qualification).

The subject content focuses on five key areas:

  1. Health, training and exercise.

  2. Exercise physiology.

  3. Movement analysis.

  4. Psychology of sport and physical activity.

  5. Socio-cultural issues in sport and physical activity.

Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended questions. The questions will be based on audio-visual stimuli and other sources.

Unit 2:

The active participant in physical education Practical (50% of the qualification)

Learners will be assessed in:

  1. Three different activities in the role of performer.

  2. At least one individual and one team sport and one other.

  3. A personal fitness programme linked to the chosen major activity.

Am fwy o wybodaeth a rhetsr o’r gweithgareddau sydd yn gallu cael eu asesu siaradwch ag aelod o’r adran Addysg Gorfforol neu ewch i wefan yr ysgol.

​For further information and lists of the sports available to be assessed in please speak to a member of the Physical Education department or go to the schools website.