
Drama Cymraeg.mp4
Drama Saesneg.mp4

Pam Astudio Drama?

Mae TGAU Drama yn gwrs cyffrous, ysbrydoledig ac ymarferol. Mae'n eich annog i fwynhau drama ac i ymwneud â'r pwnc, fel perfformwyr a/neu ddylunwyr (golau, sain, set, gwisg a cholur) Mae'n rhoi cyfleoedd i chi fynychu perfformiadau theatr fyw a gwerthfawrogi theatr fel aelod o gynulleidfa. Byddwch yn cael cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan yn eich dramau eich hunain drwy ymchwilio i ymarferwr neu genre drama, yn cydweithio i ddatblygu syniadau ac yn arbrofi gyda chonfensiynau, ffurfiau a thechnegau dramatig i greu a gwireddu darn o theatr wreiddiol. Bydd hefyd gennych gyfle i gymryd rhan mewn perfformiad o ddarn o destun cyhoeddedig. Byddwch yn arddangos eich gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o ddrama, gan gynnwys eich gallu i ddehongli testunau ar gyfer perfformiad, mewn arholiad ysgrifenedig.

Bydd Drama TGAU hefyd yn datblygu eich sgiliau cyfathrebu, gweithio fel tim, creadigrwydd, dyfalbarhad a myfyrio’n feirniadol.

Why Study Drama?

GCSE in Drama is an exciting, inspiring and practical course. It promotes involvement in and enjoyment of drama, as performers and/or designers (lights, sound, set, costume and makeup). It provides opportunities to attend live theatre performances and to develop skills as informed audience members. You will be given opportunities to participate in and interpret your own and others' drama. You will investigate a practitioner or genre of drama, work collaboratively to develop ideas to communicate meaning and experiment with dramatic conventions, forms and techniques to produce a piece of original theatre. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the performance of an extract from a published text. You will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of drama, including the ability to interpret texts for performance, in a written examination.

A GCSE in Drama will also develop your communication, teamwork, creativity, perseverance and critical analysis skills.

Asesu / Assessment

Uned 1:

Dyfeisio Theatr 40% o'r cymhwyster

Mewn grwpau, byddwch yn cymryd rhan yn y gwaith o greu, datblygu a pherfformio darn o theatr wedi'i dyfeisio ac yn ysgrifennu gwerthusiad o’r gwaith. Gallwch gael eich asesu am actio neu ddylunio.

Uned 2:

Perfformio Theatr 20% o'r cymhwyster

Mewn grwpiau, byddwch yn cymryd rhan mewn perfformiad yn seiliedig ar ddau ddarn 10 munud o destun o’ch dewis. Gallwch gael eich asesu ar actio neu ar ddylunio.

Uned 3:

Dehongli Theatr Arholiad ysgrifenedig: 1 awr 30 munud 40% o'r cymhwyster

Adran A: Cyfres o gwestiynau ar un testun gosod o safbwynt actor, dylunydd a chyfarwyddwr.

Adran B: Adolygiad o Theatr Fyw.

Unit 1:

Devising Theatre 40% of qualification

Working in groups, you will participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre and will complete a written evaluation of the devised performance.

Unit 2:

Performing Theatre 20% of qualification

In a group, you will participate in a performance based on two 10 minute extracts from a performance text.

Unit 3:

Interpreting Theatre Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% of qualification

Section A: A series of questions on one set text explored as an actor, designer and director.

Section B: Live Theatre Review.
