Erasmus+ KA101




Escola Charles Darwin

Inside of our school

We define ourselves as an open school, cohesive and inclusive school, where everybody is able to develope his capabilities, according to the personal conditions.

In our school everybody has a place and all are protagonists of their own learning.

The main objective of our educational methodology is to inspire to the pupils in order to be who really would like to be in their lives, giving them the tools needed to adapt in the future society and change the world being active people.

We have our own hymn, created by the music teachers team some years ago.

The chorus sum up our slogan


"És el Darwin la nostra escola,

una escola plena de vida.

Sempre estarà amb tu no l'oblidaràs mai,

perquè el Darwin és genial"

We are Erasmus+ centre.

We develop a European Dimension project to improve the learning based on projects.

We take part in "Basic Skills Network", as a space for pedagogical reflection among teachers in order to improve the skills of students, as well as using the cooperative work methodology.

We work in an inclusive context where all of the students are welcome, working with the resource "SIEI" (Inclusive school intensive support) to take care for students with special educational needs.

We work with different programming languages, as well as Educational Robotics. Our students follow a digital way that will improve the Digital Competence knowledge at the end of the Primary stage.

We take part in the program IntersECCions from El Prat de Llobregat Council, which promote a transversal work between culture and education.

As well as is a great tool to the social and comunity transformation, throught cooperation and corresonsability with the educational ecosystem and the culture of our city.

We work in the "Green Schools" program, as a engage to support educational centre who would like to innovate, include, improve, structure and organize educational actions. These actions must have the main objective to face up new challenges and sustainability values.

For all these reasons, we incorporate educational values for all the fields of the life of the centre; we promote the participation and active involvement of the educational community improving our environment; and we exchange activities and objectives with other centres.


We take part in a "Energy Community" as a result to the approval of the Declaration of Climate Emergency by El Prat de Llobregat, with the main objective to arrive to a ecological and energy transition in our city.

Our priority is to create a fair and democratic energy model through the self-consumption of renewable energy, specifically through the self-consumption of solar energy.


We take part in eTwinning projects linking classroom learning and programming with differents schools around Europe.