
Egitasmoaren jatorria eta oinarria:

    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, "Getting started with Minecrat Pi”, in Raspberrypi.org (Raspberry Pi Foundation ongintzarako erakundearen hezkuntza-baliabideak) [https://labur.eus/lvuK2]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, ”Getting started with Raspberry Pi”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/G8BD9]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Code Club Projects, “Getting started with Git”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/tEBWM]


    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, ”Minecraft whac-a-block Game”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/mDUrf]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, ”Minecraft selfies”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/o5fj0]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, ”The Big Minecraft Piano”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/KqH2t]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, ”Minecraft Photobooth”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/WGg6j]

Larruazalak (skins):

Minecraft API (mcpi liburutegia):

Raspberry Piaren urrutiko kontrola, VNC (RealVNC):

Screencast Raspberry Pi-an:

Lotura interesgarriak

Raspberry Pi gailua hardware- eta software-ikuspegietatik:

    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Hardware Guide”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/QwqrM]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Software Guide”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/YeDzG]

Proiektu-proposamen gehiago:

Elektronika-jarduera motzak:

    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Physical Computing with Python”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/JMo3x]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Physical Computing with Scratch”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/06u7O]

Irakurketa sustatzeko baliabideak eta ikasgaiarekin lotutakoak:

    • Ezezaguna: Teknologia, UEU, OLATZ PEREZ DE VIÑASPREri elkarrizketa, in naiz.eus (2016/07/01) [https://labur.eus/F879A]
    • UBEDA, GARBIÑE: Bizigiro, ATZEKOZ AURRERA. LOUIS SCHNELLBACH. BIDEO JOKOEN GARATZAILEA elkarrizketa, in berria.eus (2017/09/19) [https://labur.eus/0kniS]
    • TORRES MENÁRGUEZ, ANA: Formación, "Este tipo te va a convencer de por qué programar es el nuevo leer y escribir", in elpais.com (Madril, 2016/11/21) [https://labur.eus/em2up]
    • LARRAZA, EDURNE: Hezkuntza, "ARRAZOI (ONAK ETA TXARRAK) IKASLE GUZTIEI INFORMATIKA IRAKASTEKO", in sarean.eus (2017/11/20) [https://labur.eus/pVVlh]
    • KEDMEY, DAN: Videogames, “Minecraft Finally Added a Female Default Character”, in Time (2015/04/28) [https://labur.eus/2Ynd0]
    • DREDGE, STUART @stuartdredge: Minecraft, "Minecraft: Mojang makes female character available to all players", in The Guardian (2015/04/28) [https://labur.eus/g6NYc]

Survival mode (mcpi-scripts):

Minecraft ez da bideo-joko soila, artea da:

Minecraft Education Edition hezkuntzan:

    • MB, FRANKIE: "Matemáticas, física, historia... y sin libros de texto. Llega un Minecraft educativo para los colegios", in vidaextra.com (2016/01/19) [https://labur.eus/oOMyb]

Geografia irakasteko proiektu-eredua:

    • ORTIZ, DAVID: Tour the world with Minecraft and Python, "A project to teach Geography in a funny way", in kano.me [https://labur.eus/znpuw]

Meatzaritza erreala eta Minecraftekoaren arteko alderaketa (Natura edota Teknologia ikasgaietarako baliabidea):

Kimika irakasteko proiektu-eredua, elementu kimikoen taula periodikoa eraikitzea:

Musika eta programazioa Sonic Pi aplikazioarekin (hasierako ikastaroak):

Python programatzen hasteko iturri interesgarriak:

    • NUTTAL, BEN: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Python Intro”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/DTDmm]
    • RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION: Raspberry Pi Learning Resources, “Visualising Sorting with Python”, in Raspberrypi.org [https://labur.eus/EKJKq]
    • ALEGRIA, I., PEREZ DE VIÑASPE, O., SARASOLA, K.: PYTHON programazio-lengoaia: oinarriak eta aplikazioak (ISBN: 978-84-8438-595-0), UEU, 2016
    • MENDIA, KARLOS: Python (oineko loturak, Pythonen erabilerak), "Zer da Python", in blogariak.net (2016/03/02) [https://labur.eus/zxQch]

Minecraft Pi Java liburutegia ikertzen BlueJ Java programazio-ingurunetik:

    • BRIDDOCK, DAVID: Raspberry Pi, "Raspberry Pi Minecraft with BlueJ", in davidbriddock.blogspot.com.es [https://labur.eus/zHXV9]

Git eskuliburu bat:

Programazio Lehiakorra:

    • Students-Competitive Programming, "How to begin with Competitive Programming?", in geekforgeeks.org [https://labur.eus/jrSqB]

Euskal komunitatea Minecraften: