Wingra - Resources

Community Resources

Check out dot phrases starting with “.WN…” or Abigail Liedl's smartphrase library in Epic

Abigail Liedl, our social worker, is a great resource! Send patients to her for:

Barriers to care

Advanced directive paperwork

Help with obtaining medical devices

Pediatric patients who recurrently no show

Geriatric patients who are isolated, she can connect them with senior centers

OB patients you are worried about - she does already automatically follow OB patients when they are African American, < 18 yo, Badgercare insurance, low income, or have a hx of a bad outcome

Any other services that patients are interested in and you want to know if there are support services in the community

Mary Weber handles the home health services for home-bound patients, including PT/OT.

Nora in pharmacy can help if patients are having trouble affording their medications. She can look and see if there is a more affordable option. If they are Medicaid/Medicare and can't afford medications that month, send the prescription to our pharmacy and they can help with getting them the medication on a payment plan.

Sonja is our great complex case nurse who can help with following patients who are medically complex and at high risk of hospital admission.

Dental Resources

For kids who need dental care – Order “Consult to Dental Services - OUTSIDE UW Health” and in “Question you would like …” type in something like “has not seen dentist/dental resources,” etc.

Adults can only be referred to ACHC Dental care for the following indications (1) pregnancy; (2) diabetes; (3) a chief dental complaint, for example facial swelling, facial trauma, significant tooth pain, broken teeth, dental bleeding. For these adults, Order "Consult to Dental Services - OUTSIDE UW Health" and in the "Question you would like..." type in the indication and associate a problem with the order.