Verona Referrals

Any referral order is routed to the InBasket of the Verona referrals team, who will either schedule the appointment or have the specialty clinic schedule the appointment. If our referrals team schedules the appointment, they send a letter to the patient with the appointment date and time and a number to call if they need to change it. If the specialty department schedules the appointment, they call the patient directly. Patients should hear back about an appointment within 2 weeks.


Order “performed by Digestive Health Center” for Unity insurance and “performed Outside UW” for all other insurances. The Digestive Health Center manages all colonoscopy scheduling (Verona Clinic staff doesn’t see the orders).


Imaging orders/referrals are all managed by the Verona Clinic radiology team.

Mental health services:

For anxiety/depression/grief, we have counseling available through Verona Clinic. Place an order for “Consult to Primary Care Behavioral Health Clinician” (BHCC). The order specifies a dot phrase that should be included in your clinic note (PCBHBHCWARMCONNECTION). Lori is our BHC professional at Verona; she will call the patient to schedule an intake and then will notify you.

Sleep study:

Order a sleep study in Epic and then have the patient fill out a paper form for Wisconsin Sleep.

Verona Referrals Pearls:

If the referral is needed STAT, indicate so in the order and preferably talk to the referrals coordinator.

Comments, comments, comments: the more the better.

If the patient prefers a specific provider, get the full name.