Wingra - Clinic Day Tips


Free Parking in the ramp (parking garage for east coasters) or in the parking lot at the back of the clinic (near the clinic staff entrance). Do not park in the lot at the front of the building or the first incline of the parking garage (to the right of the main entrance of the parking lot), as these areas are reserved for patients.

Before Clinic Starts

  • Review labs/results, history, meds, health maintenance, etc. for the patients on your list. Consider using the "sticky note" to keep track. Know what orders you may already want so you can put them in before you walk in the clinic room.

  • Huddle with your MA and let them know what they can do (give PHQ 9, set up for pelvic exam, send patient to lab first, etc). Also at the end of day review/debrief to see what you can learn about process and flow, AND to give feedback about how you would like things done.

  • "Pre-staff" with the faculty any difficult patients, procedures, topics you are unsure about

Managing Your Clinic Flow

Remember you can do things “out of order”, such as sending someone to lab or having a patient meet with BHC BEFORE you see the patient. Especially helpful when you are running behind!

Flag System

  • You will be assigned a set of flags for the colored flag system outside of the patient rooms.

  • Turn the flags toward the door when you enter the room, put back in place when done seeing patient.

  • Put the grey flag out when BHC needs to see the patient (and find psychologist to inform them of patient).

  • Put the red flag out when nursing needed (vaccinations, wound cleaning, etc)

  • Put all flags out to let patients know where to come back to (for instance, if they are returning to the exam room after going upstairs for an x ray or lab test)

Dot Colors - What Do They Mean?

Hall Pass "Where Do I Go Next" Form

Wingra = Pink

Give to patient to take to bring with them to their destination.

Check expected numeric order of patient’s next stops and final destination (back to exam room, back to waiting room, home)

If needing to go to lab or Xray before leaving, have patients stop by Check Out first before going upstairs. All patients need to have a lab appointment (the CRS staff makes this for the current time) in Epic before having their labs drawn.

If needing to go to both lab AND Xray, should go to Xray first and then lab.

Check out and After Visit Summary (AVS)

Get in the habit of having patients stop by the check-out desk before they leave the clinic. The CRS staff can schedule follow up appointments, work on referrals as above, and print the AVS

Use the "Check out note" in the "Follow up" section of the visit navigator to give the CRS staff specific instructions about follow up or other tasks, or, if you have the time, accompany the patient out and tell them in person at the check out desk.