Molly Jacobs

Artist statement

My interpretation of the peace prompt takes on the lens of humanity’s battle with the state of the environment. Upon considering the mission of the exhibit, I immediately recalled a recent conversation I had around the Alaskan Crude Oil Pipeline. I was explaining the way the pipeline sits above the ground, therefore, animals interact with it more directly which has its own complex layer of consequences. The individual I was speaking with, in a much different frame of mind to my own, responded with arguing that it might at least give the animals a warmer place to sleep. This struck me because I tend to side with the natural order but I do see how someone might think this from looking at the position of an arctic animal from a purely human perspective. Considering that by nature we are experiential learners, meaning who we are presently is a compilation of our past, I realized this is likely a common way many people consider social movements. I decided to use this anecdote as the inspiration for my peace image to raise awareness of a problem that I feel tied to and to share an experience where having an open mind to a disagreeable stance was important to preaching change.

Apparently with no surprise / To any happy flower,

The frost beheads it at its play / In accidental power.

The blond assassin passes on, / The sun proceeds unmoved

To measure of another day / For an approving God.

Emily Dickinson, 1896


Molly Jacobs is a CT fine artist and illustrator. She has a life long-time interest in visual arts and is happiest working two dimensionally, in a variety of mediums. Molly finds work illustrating cartoons, freelancing with various creative skills, and facilitating public art projects and workshops.

Contact the artist

(860) 810-6346