Duke Forest

Duke Forest is a 7000-acre research and educational forest owned by Duke University in six tracts spread over Durham, Orange, and Alamance Counties. The forest was established in 1931 as an outdoor laboratory for forest research at the university. Although the primary function is research and education, some public recreational activities are allowed, including hiking, photography and biking on gravel roads. There are many miles of old roads through the forest for exploring, but off-trail hiking is prohibited. Public access to the forest is only allowed from gated roads. Two picnic areas are available for rent and the forest manages the Al Buhler Cross-Country Trail that loops around the university golf course.



Al Buehler Cross-Country Trail:

Al Buehler Trail is a 3-mile hiking and running trail that leads around the perimeter of Washington Duke Golf Course. This trail is not technically in Duke Forest, but is maintained by the Office of Duke Forest. Near the retention pond, a spur trail leads to the Sally Meyerhoff Fitness Trail.


Narrow-leaved sundrops (Oenothera fruticosa) are a common yellow wildflower in the forest.

Blog Entries:

22-Sep-2019: New Hope Creek Hikes

18-May-2019: Duke Forest Hikes

External Links:

Duke Forest website: https://dukeforest.duke.edu/