Needs analysis survey

In this S. O. S. project we aim to join the possible needs of our communities with some aid the students from our schools can offer. Thus the first thing we have to do is a need analysis service in each country so that we know about these needs and can cater for them.

For this purpose the students have to prepare a needs analysis survey. First of all, they have to think about:

  • The objective of this survey.

  • Who is it addressed to ( city council, schools, elderly people homes, food bank, kindergartens, different clubs ….)

  • The kind of questions to be asked.

In order to present the project and receive initial information, the students first had to visit various facilities to determine any needs. After this they will make the questions and prepare different Google surveys. These will be sent the to the organizations so that they can ask for help. Afterwards, the results will be analysed so that the students will know which are the needs to be tackled.

Since the local requirements and needs in the different countries and regions are likely to differ significantly, each school will go its own way to determine and meet the needs.

The different approaches can be found here.

Institut Ciutat de Balaguer

Ins Josep Vallverdu


MS Pleichach-Kürnachtal

Current and completed SOS projects can be found in “Local contribution”.