INS Josep Vallverdú

An APP for the project

In les Borges Blanques we are working in creating an APP called LOCATHELP to let user to choose form ser service offers that each school is offering.

The goal of this APP is to help local people find the social service they need, designing a tool that make contact easily between the customer and the company or association that offers the service.

All the information in this link

Download it

Soon we will solve the legal terms that will let us to upload the APP in the stores. From there you will have access to it and use.

If you want to see how it works here you have the video!

Collection of school reused supplies for student with economical needs

Students involved in the SOS Erasmus project of community services lead the project

Collaboration with "Gran recapte". Food collection campaign

Students involved in the SOS Erasmus project of community services collaborated in the Great Collection that was celebrated on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2019 in the most supermarkets in the county.

The students of 4th ESO, after having received a lecture by representatives of the Food Bank of Lleida, participated in the collection of food helping to increase the number of volunteers who in Les Garrigues and Catalonia decided to collaborate with this initiative, which, on the other hand, was a great success that led to the collection of 4,000 tons of food throughout the country. A milestone that was made possible, among other things, thanks to the solidarity activity of our students.

Collaboration with Marató TV3 Covid 19

Despite the current situation due to Covid an taking into account restrictions for group activities, the students of the SOS ERASMUS project were able to participate as every year in the activities on the frame of MARATÓ TV3, although this year it was virtually.

Between Tuesday 15 and Friday 18 December 2020, students involved in the SOS ERASMUS project joined "La Marató de TV3 celebration" by hosting a series of telematic conferences to raise awareness among students about the Covid-19 to which the 2020 edition of the popular television marathon is dedicated.

Researchers Alba Blasco and Anna Diaz have been responsible for exposing the medical situation of Covid-19 to the students of our school. Our students listened carefully to the talk of the researchers who insisted especially on the fact that this was a MARATÓ that affected us all.

With these talks, the Josep Vallverdú Institute continues its tradition of joining the Marathon from a social and solidarity point of view but also from an academic point of view that aims to bring students closer to the different diseases that they are the subject of medical research of our time.

Participation in workshop-seminar on innovation in employment managment

The 27 of march, 2021, Students involved in SOS Erasmus project took part in a workshop-seminar on innovation in employment management, taught by the Oficina Jove de les Garrigues.

The objectives of the workshop were to work in soft skills, to be aware of work networks and to be an active part of them, to make a personal presentation, to be an active part in group dynamics, to know the different types and questions they can do to know coustomers needs as well as know search engines online (facebook, linkedin, active job, IMO…).

The experience has been very enriching, exciting and interesting so we hope it can be repeated in the coming academic years.

This workshop has been very interesting on the way to give students tools that allow them to develop the entrepreneurial spirit (non-profit) in order to find the best way to know the needs of customers and be able to get there better, developing also social and collaborative skills.