INS Josep Vallverdú

COVID has been quite strong in les Garrigues and specially in les Borges Blanques. Discussing with our students we realized that was not a good option to disturb the routines in our Elderly Home in les Borges Blanques. Some students had parents working there and some grandparents living there. That's why they decided to start a project to accompany some elderly people living there or just feeling alone in their houses to phone them and to talk a little bit with them instead of having a real visit. And it was great to see the result. Some people contact us for having this "service" and that why form INS Josep Vallverdú we decided to start a book of "La Gent Gran de les Garrigues". At this point we have 7 interviews and the book is still growing. Hopefully we'll arrive at more than 15 "Elderly people of les Garrigues" and will be a kind of memory of their live and a way of approaching two generations.