Ins Ciutat de Balaguer

As part of our SOS Erasmus + project the students in 4th ESO ( 15-16 years old ) have done some actions in our community to make this Coronavirus time Christmas a bit more cheerful to all. The first one being designing some Christmas cards for the people who attend the elderly club. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions it was not posible for our students to hand them out face to face. What a joy to see the happy faces of the elderly ones!

The second action was participating with Càritas ,which is the official confederation of the social and charitable action organisations of the Catholic Church in Spain , in the campaing: " Happy Christmas, happy Christmas but for everyone". For this purpose our students helped with the decoration of the elderly houses and the hospital of our city.

Last but not least, our students wished happy Christmas to the primary schools pupils with some fairy tales videos represented and invented by themselves. They had real fun making up the stories and adapting Christmas time stories to the Covid situation. The primary school children had a ball!