6th Virtual Meeting


(Social Online Service)

Online Chat (2021-10-05)


MS Pleichach-Kürnachtal (Mr. Dietzsch, Mrs. Knüttel )

Gustav Walle Schule (Mrs. Dietzsch, Mrs. Reinders)

Ins Ciutat des Balaguer (Mrs. Carreno, Mrs. Palacín)

Ins Josep Vallverdu (Mr. Solans , Mrs. Viscasillas, Mrs. March)


1. Details 3rd Teachers Training

1 3rd Teachers Training

MS Pleichach-Kürnachtal, the coordinators of the project and organizers of the final training and meeting informed
about the planned agenda and location. As there will be a workshop on user designed thinking (UCD) the meeting takes
place in Alicante. The participants will stay together at a holiday flat, in order to follow up COVID 19 hygienic restrictions.

Besides that the partners will work together on the final report in the mobility tool.