5th Virtual Meeting


(Social Online Service)

Online Chat (2021-09-28)


MS Pleichach-Kürnachtal (Mr. Dietzsch, Mrs. Knüttel )

Gustav Walle Schule (Mrs. Dietzsch)

Ins Ciutat des Balaguer (Mrs. Carreno, Mrs. Palacín)

Ins Josep Vallverdu (Mr. Solans , Mrs. Viscasillas, Mrs. March)


1. Mobility Tool - Project Management

2. Future meetings

1 Mobility Tool

The participants discussed how to fill in the data in the mobility tool and which activities and material was financed out of
the project management at each school. They were told by the coordinator that the complete amount of project
management money could be spent.

2 Future meetings

Due to a little recovery of the current COVID 19 situation the participants discussed the possiblity of future meetings. They agreed that at least a teachers meeting should be possible in autumn. But it seemed not advisable to organise a students meeting, because they would not be vaccinated at that time.

Proposed date for the teachers meeting: November 17 - November 22, 2021
The coordinating and organising school had to look for a suitable location to work on the final report on one hand. As designing an App to support the engagement of the students, it was also agreed on providing a workshop on that topic.