
Час бр. 50 - 18. 03. 2020.

Friends: The One With Joey’s Big Break (Friends Season 05 Episode 22)

A: Listening Exercise: Listen carefully and circle the best answer.

1. Rachel has a(an) ____infection.

a) ear

c) throat

b) eye

d) lung

2. Phoebe is mad at ____.

a) Ross

c) Chandler

b) Joey

d) Monica

3. Joey is going to drive to Las Vegas because ____.

a) they’re going on vacation

b) he has got a big part in a movie

c) they want to gamble

d) Phoebe’s grandmother has just died

4. Phoebe helps Joey decide which route to take to Las Vegas by ____.

a) asking questions slowly

b) asking no questions

c) asking questions quickly

d) none of the above

5. Rachel doesn’t want to go to the ___.

a) gynecologist

c) obstetrician

b) podiatrist

d) optometrist

6. Ross gives Joey and Chandler money ___.

a) for food

c) to buy fifteen black books

b) to gamble

d) all of the above

7. Joey will make ____.

a) $1,000,000

c) $.01 of the movie’s profits

b) $1

d) 1% of the movie’s profits

8. Joey is mad at Chandler because ___.

a) he says it’s not a real movie

b) he says it’s not going to be his big break

c) he made Joey feel like a loser

d) all of the above

9. Phoebe finds out that ___.

a) she is angry because of a dream.

b) Ross is gay

c) Ross has a fat ass

d) none of the above

10. Monica forces Rachel to ____.

a) eat her dinner

c) take her eyedrops

b) listen to her problems

d) make a fortune

11. When Joey arrives in the desert he finds out the movie ___.

a) is happening

c) people are just hanging out

b) has been cancelled

d) is finishing

B: Grammar: Reported Speech Patterns

Look at the direct speech below. Now change it into reported speech using the reported verb in brackets ( ). Refer to the reported speech pattern list, whenever you are not certain.

1. Monica said, “You should go see my eye doctor.”


2. Phoebe said, “That guy can push my buttons.”


3. Phoebe asked, “Has anyone seen my list?”


4. Joey said, “I meet this girl on the subway and we fall in love like in a day and

then she disappears…” (telling them the plot of the movie)


5. Phoebe said, “My grandmother’s dead.”


6. Joey asked, “Which route should I take?”

(want to know)

7. Dr. Miller said, “Everything is going to be just fine.”


8. Ross said, “Please tell me what made you so mad at me.”


9. Chandler said, “Why don’t you pull right over.”


10. Rachel said, “Stop it!”


11. Monica said, “Maybe you should send Joey something.”


12. Phoebe said, “You know you should send him a carton of cigarettes…”


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Pročitajte sva pitanja. Pogledajte navedenu epizodu „Prijatelja“. Link je bio predugačak pa nisam htela da ga šaljem. Ja sam ovu epizodu lako našla na internetu. Probajte da pogodite koji je tačan odgovor dok gledate video.

Za domaći- napišite rečenice koristeći date glagole. Ako se sećate, ovo smo radili i vežbali poslednja dva časa.


Час бр. 51 - 20. 03. 2020.

Friends: The One With Joey’s Big Break (Friends Season 05 Episode 22)

A: Listening Exercise: Listen carefully and circle the best answer.

1. Rachel has a(an) ____infection.

a) ear

c) throat

b) eye

d) lung

2. Phoebe is mad at ____.

a) Ross

c) Chandler

b) Joey

d) Monica

3. Joey is going to drive to Las Vegas because ____.

a) they’re going on vacation

b) he has got a big part in a movie

c) they want to gamble

d) Phoebe’s grandmother has just died

4. Phoebe helps Joey decide which route to take to Las Vegas by ____.

a) asking questions slowly

b) asking no questions

c) asking questions quickly

d) none of the above

5. Rachel doesn’t want to go to the ___.

a) gynecologist

c) obstetrician

b) podiatrist

d) optometrist

6. Ross gives Joey and Chandler money ___.

a) for food

c) to buy fifteen black books

b) to gamble

d) all of the above

7. Joey will make ____.

a) $1,000,000

c) $.01 of the movie’s profits

b) $1

d) 1% of the movie’s profits

8. Joey is mad at Chandler because ___.

a) he says it’s not a real movie

b) he says it’s not going to be his big break

c) he made Joey feel like a loser

d) all of the above

9. Phoebe finds out that ___.

a) she is angry because of a dream.

b) Ross is gay

c) Ross has a fat ass

d) none of the above

10. Monica forces Rachel to ____.

a) eat her dinner

c) take her eyedrops

b) listen to her problems

d) make a fortune

11. When Joey arrives in the desert he finds out the movie ___.

a) is happening

c) people are just hanging out

b) has been cancelled

d) is finishing

B: Grammar: Reported Speech Patterns

Look at the direct speech below. Now change it into reported speech using the reported verb in brackets ( ). Refer to the reported speech pattern list, whenever you are not certain.

1. Monica said, “You should go see my eye doctor.”

(advise) Monica advised me to see her eye doctor.

2. Phoebe said, “That guy can push my buttons.”

(complain) Phoebe complained that that guy could push her buttons.

3. Phoebe asked, “Has anyone seen my list?”

(wonder)P. wondered if anyone had seen her list.

4. Joey said, “I meet this girl on the subway and we fall in love like in a day and

then she disappears…” (telling them the plot of the movie)

(explain)Joey explained that he met that girl… and fell …and that then she disappeared.

5. Phoebe said, “My grandmother’s dead.”

(announce) P. announced that her grandmother was dead.

6. Joey asked, “Which route should I take?”

(want to know)J. wanted to know which route he should take.

7. Dr. Miller said, “Everything is going to be just fine.”

(assure) Dr M. assured me that everything was going to be…

8. Ross said, “Please tell me what made you so mad at me.”

(insist)Ross insisted on being told what had made me so mad at him

9. Chandler said, “Why don’t you pull right over.”

(suggest C. suggested pulling right over/that i should pull right over.

10. Rachel said, “Stop it!”

(order)R. ordered me to stop!

11. Monica said, “Maybe you should send Joey something.”

(recommend)M recommended sending something to J./that i should send something…

12. Phoebe said, “You know you should send him a carton of cigarettes…”

(advise)P advised me to send him a carton…

1) u prilogu je key za rečenice iz prethodnog domaćeg. Pitajte šta vam nije jasno.

2) u prilogu je takođe domaći za sredu. Rok je sreda 11 sati!

3) za više vežbe slaganja vremena, kliknite na link!


4) sledeći čas-reading and listening

1 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.

0 Our club consists of opera buffs. The woman has explained that _their club consists of opera buffs.

1 Where are you going tonight?

My mother asked me ____________________________.

2 Why don’t you go to the cinema, Lisa?

I suggested that __________________________to the cinema.

3 Have you ever seen them live in concert?

Derric wanted to know _____________________________ them live in concert.

4 I’m sure you’ve lost the tickets.

My girlfriend accused ____________________________ the tickets.

5 The string quartet recorded this sonata last week.

The TV presenter said that the string quartet __________________________.

6 I’m very happy that you got the part, Michael!

She congratulated Michael _____________________________the part.

Час бр. 52 - 25. 03. 2020.

Zadaci za 25.03.2020.

1) Za petak- domaći je da odgledate neki film, dokumntarac ili da pročitate nešto i prepričate mi u 5 rečenica koristeći Present Simple

2) Drugi domaći je da meni nešto preporučite!

Час бр. 53 - 27. 03. 2020.

Advertising and Product Marketing

Use the words in the word bank to fill in the missing words in the sentences below

Word Bank:

regulate, confirm, produced, consume, share, publicity, sponsor, compete, packaged, advertisement, advertise

1. You should always information you give over the phone.

2. Governments in the UK and the United States cigarette advertising.

3. The of our product appears on all major search engines today.

4. We need to get as much as possible for our company, so that people will know about us.

5. Many large sport companies like Nike and Puma sports events.

6. Our of the market is only two per cent.

7. Small companies find it difficult to against large multinationals.

8. The biscuits are by machines.

9. Women more chocolate on average than men.

10. Retailers often a new product by putting it in the most eye-catching places.

11. Chocolate is from cocoa bean.

Roman “Dnevnik Bridžit Džons” inspirisan je romanom “Gordost i predrasude”!

Etra zadatak:

Odgledaj ovaj video pažljivo od 1:40 pa do kraja! Poslušajte dijalog!

Sada odgledajte ovaj video bez tona i zapišite kako ste vi zamislili dijalog u vašim glavama!

Darcy (said):



Час бр. 54 - 01. 04. 2020.

Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences

1 He’s working on a new drama now.

The theater manager said that he ___________ on a new drama then.

2 Let’s go to an art gallery tomorrow.

My father suggested __________ to an art gallery tomorrow.

3 Did you finish her portrait yesterday,Frank?

I wanted to know __________ her portrait the day before.

4 I must get his autograph today.

She insisted _________ his autograph that day.

5 If I were you, I wouldn’t let my child watch this film.

My neighbour advised me _________ my child watch that film.

6 We’re sorry we missed the show.

We apologised _________ the show.

Matching (poveži)

3) publicity

4) sponsor

5) packaged

6) advertisement

7) advertise

8) jingle

9) brand

Matching (poveži)

a) to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it

b) the attention that is given to somebody/something by newspapers, television, etc.

c) a type of product, service, etc. made or offered by a particular company under a particular name

d) (of a company, etc.) to pay the costs of a particular event, programme, etc. as a way of advertising

e) to put something into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported

f) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

g) a short song or tune that is easy to remember and is used in advertising

Час бр. 55 - 03. 04. 2020.


Read the text. Match the sentences a-f to the gaps 1-5. There is one extra sentence.

  • Early adverts in newspapers usually promoted books, newspapers and medicine.

  • Therefore, shopkeepers used images - a boot for a shoe shop, a book for a book shop and so on - to advertise themselves.

  • This type of advertising is new and exciting and makes people want to buy the product or idea.

  • They’re on TV and the radio, in newspapers and magazines, online and even in films.

  • The trend is towards making advertising more and more personal, targeting the individual rather than a group.

  • However, it began much, much earlier than that.

The history of advertising

These days adverts are everywhere. 1 _____It’s hard to imagine a world without advertising but when did advertising begin?

Most people imagine advertising started with the arrival of the mass media in the twentieth century. 2 _____Adverts painted on walls or rocks have existed for thousands of years - examples have been found in India dating back to 4000 BC. In fact, this form of advertising is still used today in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America. A little later, the Ancient Egyptians used papyrus* to make sales posters and lost-and-found adverts on papyrus were common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

During the Middle Ages, most people couldn’t read. 3 _____These images are similar to logos used today, except that today logos are used to identify a particular brand rather than a type of shop. Fruit and vegetables were sold in the town square and the sellers used town criers to announce their goods. These town criers were people who walked about and shouted loudly telling people what was available.

However, it was after the first newspapers appeared in the seventeenth century that advertising really began as a business. 4 _____ Then in 1836 a French newspaper included paid advertising for the first time - anyone could pay and advertise any product. Other newspapers quickly copied the idea. As a result of the increased demand for adverts, the first advertising agencies began. The first opened in 1869 in Philadelphia in the US. Today there are over 50,000 advertising agencies in America alone!

In the twentieth century, the invention of television had a huge impact on advertising. By the 1960s advertising had become much more creative and the idea of the slogan was born. Not long after, the jingle followed. Since then, advertising has become much more sophisticated.

Advertisers use a variety of techniques to get people to remember their products. Advertising campaigns are usually aimed at a target audience. 5 _____For example, we now get adverts in response to online searches, we receive adverts on our mobile phones and so on. Perhaps in the future all advertising will be individual or perhaps it will change completely. One thing is certain: we can be sure that advertising will continue to exist.

* papyrus = an early form of paper made from plants

Read the text again. Tick true, cross false or write (?) if there is no information.

  • The Ancient Egyptians used advertising a lot.

  • You can find adverts painted on walls nowadays in some parts of the world.

  • In the Middle Ages people selling food didn’t have the means to advertise.

  • The first newspapers were printed in France.

  • The writer doesn’t think there will be adverts of any kind in the future.

Час бр. 56 - 08. 04. 2020.


Za domaći pročitajte tekst u udžbeniku na 88 i 89. strani i uradite  5. vežbanje. Sledeći čas bavićemo se novim rečima!

Час бр. 57 - 10. 04. 2020.

Crime –Vocabulary

  1. Shoplifter-lopov koji krade u prodavnicama

  2. Guilty-kriv

  3. Conviction-osuda

  4. Burglary-provla

  5. Possession of-posedovanje

  6. Convicted-osuđen

  7. Copyright law-zakon o autorskim prvima

  8. Confront-suprostaviti se

  9. Wounded-ranjen

  10. Lenient-blaga (kazna)

  11. Defence lawyer-advokat odbrane

  12. Fine-kazna (novčana)

  13. Suspended sentence- uslovna kazna

  14. Community service-društveno koristan rad

Час бр. 57 и 58 - 15. 04. 2020.

četvrti razred 58 čas.docx

Час бр. 59 - 22. 04. 2020.

Modalni glagoli, engleski - verovatnoća da je nešto istina

Modalni glagoli – Modal Verbs of Probability

Pričamo o verovatnoći, izvesnosti, pomalo spekulišemo a zašto da ne ima slučajeva, kada moramo da budemo vešti sa dedukcijom kao Šerlok Holms. Dajemo naše mišljenje, procenu verovatnoće, istinitosti, zasnovanu na informacijama, koje imamo. Koristimo modalne glagole.

1. Verovatnoća 100 % (99%)

must + infinitiv = very sure

They must be in London by now.

Na osnovu informacija, koje imamo, kada su naši prijatelji krenuli na put, koliko put traje, do sada su već stigli, naše je mišljenje u koje smo gotovo 100 % sigurni.

2. Verovatnoća – može biti, ne mora da znači

may, might + infinitv – (maybe, možda)

They might be in London by now

3. Više mogućih opcija – verovatnoća zavisi od ponuđenog broja opcija

could + infinitiv

He could be at work.

Mogao bi da bude na poslu, a i u kafiću ili na Adi. Sve opcije su podjednako verovatne, morali smo da odabermo jednu, koja deluje verovatna, ali nismo baš ubeđeni.

Još jednom da se gradivo utvrdi –

might +infinitive je izvesnija varijanta od could + infinitiv

4. Nema šanse, 100% smo sigurni da ne postoji verovatnoća, izvesnost da je nešto tačno

can’t + infinitiv

He can’t be at home, prilično sam sigurna da nije kod kuće, a gde je, neću da vam kažem

must + infinitive = 100 % sigurni u neku izvesnost

can’t + infinitive = suprotno, 100% sigurni da nešto nije izvesno

5. Prošlo vreme

Sve ove modale možemo koristiti i za donošenje zaključaka vezanih za neki prošli događaj

Must/might/may/could/can’t + have + past participle ( 3. kolona ili –ed)

Час бр. 60 - 24. 04. 2020.

treći razred 60 čas.docx

Час бр. 61 - 29. 04. 2020.

Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences. Use must, may, might, could, can’t or couldn’t.

0 It’s possible that Jack knows it. Jack _may know it_.

1 I’m sure she missed her flight. She ______________________

__________________________________________________ .

2 We know he isn’t French. He __________________________

__________________________________________________ .

3 It’s possible that they went hunting. They ________________

__________________________________________________ .

4 I’m sure it’s a joke. It ________________________________

__________________________________________________ .

5 It’s impossible that it was her son. It ____________________

__________________________________________________ .

6 It’s possible that he’s good at navigating. He ______________


Час бр. 62 - 06. 05. 2020.

Modal verbs

1. I’m sure she missed her flight. She must have missed her flight.

2. We know he isn’t French. He can’t be French.

3. It’s possible that they went hunting. They might/could/may have gone hunting.

4. I’m sure it’s a joke. It must be a joke.

5. It’s impossible that it was her son. It can’t have been her son.

6. It’s possible that he’s good at navigating. He might/may/could be good at navigating.

Час бр. 63 - 08. 05. 2020.


Reading Skills

1 Read about four people (A-D) and match them to the correct statements (1-8).

Changing Fashions

A In the 1950’s and early 1960’s, Tony Curtis was one of the most popular film stars in the world. He went to Hollywood and became a star in his early twenties. He realized that it was his looks that had given him his chance but he also proved to be a very talented actor and won an Oscar nomination.

His greased back hair and dark, moody eyes made him a pin-up all over the world and even Elvis Presley copied his look. Ironically, it was this look that also dated Curtis in the early 1960’s. When fashions changed and longer hair that was brushed forward with a fringe became popular, Curtis’ style never changed. However, as Curtis reached middle age, his career took off again as he was still exceptionally handsome. Now, Curtis spends his time painting and is a very talented artist.

B The ideal woman of the 1950’s was much bigger than most models these days. However, in the mid 1960’s a new look became fashionable and the most famous model of the time was a skinny, sixteen year old British model known to everyone as Twiggy. This name came from the fact that she was as thin as a twig on a tree She had her hair cut into a short, boyish style with a parting on one side and it was also dyed; changing from her normal mousey brown colour to a blonde that she still has today. Her make up was expertly done and she was one of the first women to paint the lashes below her eyes as well as above. This had the effect of making her brown eyes, look even bigger and more attractive. Twiggy continued as a model before moving into a successful acting career.

C In late 2003, a closely cropped, grey haired man in his late fifties went to Buckingham Palace to receive a CBE from the Queen for his charitable work and for services to music. With his bright green eyes, smart suit and friendly smile showing his dimples, he could have been a bank manager or retired military man. Thirty years earlier, however, the same green eyes and smile had been hidden by windswept, long, wavy brown hair in a film made in Pompeii, Italy. David Gilmour was then, and still is on occasion now, the guitarist in one of the world’s most famous groups, Pink Floyd.

D Ian Botham, one of England’s greatest ever cricketers wasn’t called ‘beefy’ for nothing. He was always well-built and, as he came towards the end of his career, seemed to have some trouble in keeping his weight down. His appearance changed in other ways, notably his hair style and facial hair. His moustache was fairly constant but a beard also appeared for a while. At one point he had highlights and, in the 1980’s a full grown mullet was in danger of developing Now a commentator for television, Botham has a very sensible short hair style. The beard and moustache have gone but there is generally two or three days stubble on his face. Lines are also appearing but not wrinkles from old age, these are around his eyes and proof of his good humour and frequent wide smile.

He/She has not appeared in a film.

1 _______________

His/Her look never altered.

2 _______________

His/her hair is still the same colour today as it was when they were younger.

3 _______________

His/Her look influenced another famous person.

4 _______________

He/She has a nickname because of their appearance.

5 _______________ 6 _______________

He/She looks as if he/she had a different job.

7 _______________

He/She had several different hair styles while they were famous.

8 _______________


Reading Skills

1 Read about four people (A-D) and match them to the correct statements (1-8).

Changing Fashions

A In the 1950’s and early 1960’s, Tony Curtis was one of the most popular film stars in the world. He went to Hollywood and became a star in his early twenties. He realized that it was his looks that had given him his chance but he also proved to be a very talented actor and won an Oscar nomination.

His greased back hair and dark, moody eyes made him a pin-up all over the world and even Elvis Presley copied his look. Ironically, it was this look that also dated Curtis in the early 1960’s. When fashions changed and longer hair that was brushed forward with a fringe became popular, Curtis’ style never changed. However, as Curtis reached middle age, his career took off again as he was still exceptionally handsome. Now, Curtis spends his time painting and is a very talented artist.

B The ideal woman of the 1950’s was much bigger than most models these days. However, in the mid 1960’s a new look became fashionable and the most famous model of the time was a skinny, sixteen year old British model known to everyone as Twiggy. This name came from the fact that she was as thin as a twig on a tree She had her hair cut into a short, boyish style with a parting on one side and it was also dyed; changing from her normal mousey brown colour to a blonde that she still has today. Her make up was expertly done and she was one of the first women to paint the lashes below her eyes as well as above. This had the effect of making her brown eyes, look even bigger and more attractive. Twiggy continued as a model before moving into a successful acting career.

C In late 2003, a closely cropped, grey haired man in his late fifties went to Buckingham Palace to receive a CBE from the Queen for his charitable work and for services to music. With his bright green eyes, smart suit and friendly smile showing his dimples, he could have been a bank manager or retired military man. Thirty years earlier, however, the same green eyes and smile had been hidden by windswept, long, wavy brown hair in a film made in Pompeii, Italy. David Gilmour was then, and still is on occasion now, the guitarist in one of the world’s most famous groups, Pink Floyd.

D Ian Botham, one of England’s greatest ever cricketers wasn’t called ‘beefy’ for nothing. He was always well-built and, as he came towards the end of his career, seemed to have some trouble in keeping his weight down. His appearance changed in other ways, notably his hair style and facial hair. His moustache was fairly constant but a beard also appeared for a while. At one point he had highlights and, in the 1980’s a full grown mullet was in danger of developing Now a commentator for television, Botham has a very sensible short hair style. The beard and moustache have gone but there is generally two or three days stubble on his face. Lines are also appearing but not wrinkles from old age, these are around his eyes and proof of his good humour and frequent wide smile.

His/Her looks helped them to be successful.

1 _______________

He/She was a teenager when he/she first became a star.

2 _______________

He/She made him/her self more attractive by make-up.

3 _______________

His/Her face changes when he/she smiles.

4 _______________

He/She has had their hair coloured at some point.

5 _______________ 6 _______________

He/She still does the same thing now as he/she did thirty years ago.

7 _______________

He/She had a haircut that was usually worn by someone of the opposite sex.

8 _______________

/ 8