
Час бр. 50 - 18. 03. 2020.

Prilog 1

The Third Conditional

We make the third conditional by using the past perfect after 'if' and then 'would have' and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:

· if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle

It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.

· If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn't study and so she didn't pass)

· Watch this video it might help. Click on the link.


Prilog 2-Homework

66. page in your textbooks!!!

Do the whole page; revise what we did so far.

Prilog 3- Games

Practise all three types of conditional sentences


Pomoć pri radu

Prilog 1

Nastavna jedinica za danas, treći kondicional. Pročitajte objašnjenje i odgledajte video. Imate dodatne informacije o ovom kondicionalu ispod videa kao i zadatke putem kojih ga možete provežbati. Sledeći put ću poslati dodatna pojašnjenja i odgovoriti na sva vaša pitanja.

Prilog 2

Domaći koji bi trebalo da uradite do petka na 66. strani u vašem udžbeniku. Popunite i pošaljite mi sliku mejlom.

Prilog 3

Ovo je dodatni/dopunski rad. Imate igricu za vežbanje sva tri kondicionala! Uživajte!

Час бр. 51 - 20. 03. 2020.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (prvi i drugi kondicional)

1 If I didn’t have a dog, my life _______________ (be) really sad, but luckily I have Rex and he makes me happy.

2 If we _______________ (not/start) protecting endangered species soon, they will become extinct.

3 I know I’m only 16, but if I _______________ (be) a scientist, I would do research into animal behaviour.

4 If my dog wins today, it _______________ (be) his second time this year.

5 Opponents of zoos argue that if somebody kept us in cages all day, we _______________ (be) bored and depressed too.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (samo treći kondicional)

1 If he ____________________ (concentrate) more, he ____________________ (not/flunk) the exam.

2 If she ____________________ (not/meet) him that day, she ____________________ (not/get) the job.

Час бр. 52 - 25. 03. 2020.

Adele - If It Hadn't Been For Love

Never would have 1) _____________ to Birmingham

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 2 ____________ the train to Louisiana

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 3) __________ through the blindin' rain

Without one dollar to my name

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 4)__________ the trouble that I'm in

If it hadn't been for love

Woulda been 5) ___________ like a wayward wind

If it hadn't been for love

Nobody knows it better than me

I wouldn't be wishing I was free

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will

At least I know he's lying still

Four cold walls without parole

Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda 6) ___________ to that side of town

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 7) __________ a mind to track him down

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 8) ____________ up a forty four

Put myself behind a jail house door

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will

At least I know he's lying still

Four cold walls without parole

Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda 9) __________________ to Birmingham

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 10) __________ the train to Louisian'

If it hadn't been for love

Never woulda 11) _____________ up a forty four

Put myself behind a jail house door

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

If it hadn't been, if it hadn't been for love

Song explanation:

What did she do for love?

  • parole, 44, four walls, jailhouse, hitchhike....

  • Explain the use of "woulda" as a informal pronunciation of "would have".

  • Would’ve

  • Explain the idea of regret how we can use the third conditional for that.

Час бр. 53 - 27. 03. 2020.

Evo još malo vežbe na temu treći kondicional!

U pitanju je interaktivno vežbanje, dok gledate video biće vam postavljena pitanja, na koja odgovarate. Kada odgovorite na pitanje pritisnete znak koji izgleda kao PLAY(plavi krug ili zeleni) dugme kako bi nastavili sa videom.



3. A group of musicians who play modern music together. (4)

5. The collective term for music, art, theatre, literature, etc. (7)

6. A large, printed picture or notice put on a wall, in order to decorate a place or to advertise something. (6)

7. Several songs or pieces of music on a CD, a record, etc. (5)

11. The people who sit and watch a performance at a cinema, theatre, etc. (8)

12. A book, newspaper, etc. that is one of several that are the same and were produced at the same time. (7)

15. A television or radio station (= broadcasting company). (7)

16. A television or radio programme or performance. (4)

17. A very popular book that many people have bought. (10)


1. A room or building which is used for showing works of art. (7)

2. A short period of time between the parts of a play, performance, etc. (8)

4. When objects such as paintings are shown to the public. (10)

6. The story of a book, film, play, etc. (4)

8. A person in a play or a film. (4)

9. A report in a newspaper, magazine or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc. (6)

10. A view or picture of a film, play or show. (5)

13. A picture, especially on film or television or on a screen. (5)

14. All the actors in a film, a play or a show. (4)

1. Crossword - ARTS & MEDIA

Час бр. 54 - 01. 04. 2020.

Час бр. 55 - 03. 04. 2020.

Translate words

a) lighting- (______)

b) stage- (______)

c) orchestra- (______)

d) sculpture-skulptura

e) conductor- (______)

f) roof- (______)

g) attic- (______)

h) basement- (______)

i) semi-detached house- (______)

Conditional sentences

1.Elisa will come to your house if you (______) (call) her.

2.The dog will bark if you (______) (ring) the doorbell.

3. Lydia would have come if she (______) (not be) so busy at work.

4. If you listened to me, you (______) less mistakes. (______) (be) American.

5. His parents would accept his marriage if she (______)

6. The garden would be cleaner if it (______) (not be) Autumn.

Час бр. 56 - 08. 04. 2020.

1) Translate words

a) lighting-osvetljenje

b) stage-scena

c) orchestra-orkestar

d) sculpture-skulptura

e) conductor-dirigent

f) roof-krov

g) attic-tavan

h) basement - podrum

i) semi-detached house- dvojna kuća

Insert question >

2) Conditional sentences

1. Elisa will come to your house if you call (call) her.

2.The dog will bark if you ring (ring) the doorbell.

3. Lydia would have come if she hadn't been (not be) so busy at work.

4.of you listened to me, you would make less mistakes.

5. His parents would accept his marriage if she were (be) American

6. The garden would be cleaner if it weren't (not be) Autumn

Час бр. 57 - 10. 04. 2020.

treći razred 57 čas uputstvo.docx
treći razred 57 čas domaći.docx


Ako ste pažljivo odgledali video i pročitali uputstvo razumeli ste da nekog posebnog pravila za grupisanje glagola posle kojih ide infinitive ili -ing oblik nema. Sigurno ste primetili da posle glagola kojima govorimo šta volimo ili ne volimo ide -ing oblik kao i posle predloga. Za vas sam započela tabelu na osnovu vašeg udžbenika i nekih vežbanja koja su za domaći. Vi je svakako možete proširiti glagolima sa uputstva.

  1. Check your grammar: grouping – verb + -ing or verb + infinitive

+ -ing

  1. enjoy

  2. look forward to

  3. avoid

  4. stop

  5. finish

  6. Mind

  7. like

  8. hate

  9. can’t stand

  10. start

  11. excited about

  12. interested in bored of

  13. keen on

  14. angry about…

+ infinitive

  1. decide

  2. invite someone

  3. need

  4. plan

  5. promise

  6. Want

  7. Would like

  8. Plan

  9. Hope

  10. Expect

  11. Decide

  12. Posle prideva sa glagolom be

  13. difficult expensive

  14. cheap

  15. good

  16. better

Час бр. 57 и 58 - 15. 04. 2020.

treći razred rešenja 57 čas.docx

Час бр. 59 - 22. 04. 2020.

Modalni glagoli, engleski - verovatnoća da je nešto istina

Modalni glagoli – Modal Verbs of Probability

Pričamo o verovatnoći, izvesnosti, pomalo spekulišemo a zašto da ne ima slučajeva, kada moramo da budemo vešti sa dedukcijom kao Šerlok Holms. Dajemo naše mišljenje, procenu verovatnoće, istinitosti, zasnovanu na informacijama, koje imamo. Koristimo modalne glagole.

1. Verovatnoća 100 % (99%)

must + infinitiv = very sure

They must be in London by now.

Na osnovu informacija, koje imamo, kada su naši prijatelji krenuli na put, koliko put traje, do sada su već stigli, naše je mišljenje u koje smo gotovo 100 % sigurni.

2. Verovatnoća – može biti, ne mora da znači

may, might + infinitv – (maybe, možda)

They might be in London by now

3. Više mogućih opcija – verovatnoća zavisi od ponuđenog broja opcija

could + infinitiv

He could be at work.

Mogao bi da bude na poslu, a i u kafiću ili na Adi. Sve opcije su podjednako verovatne, morali smo da odabermo jednu, koja deluje verovatna, ali nismo baš ubeđeni.

Još jednom da se gradivo utvrdi –

might +infinitive je izvesnija varijanta od could + infinitiv

4. Nema šanse, 100% smo sigurni da ne postoji verovatnoća, izvesnost da je nešto tačno

can’t + infinitiv

He can’t be at home, prilično sam sigurna da nije kod kuće, a gde je, neću da vam kažem

must + infinitive = 100 % sigurni u neku izvesnost

can’t + infinitive = suprotno, 100% sigurni da nešto nije izvesno

5. Prošlo vreme

Sve ove modale možemo koristiti i za donošenje zaključaka vezanih za neki prošli događaj

Must/might/may/could/can’t + have + past participle ( 3. kolona ili –ed)

Час бр. 60 - 24. 04. 2020.

treći razred 60 čas.docx

Час бр. 61 - 29. 04. 2020.

Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences. Use must, may, might, could, can’t or couldn’t.

0 It’s possible that Jack knows it. Jack may know it.

1 I’m certain he worked for the FBI. He ___________________

__________________________________________________ .

2 It’s possible that Amelia was a spy. Amelia _______________

__________________________________________________ .

3 I know he isn’t a hooligan. He _________________________

__________________________________________________ .

4 We’re sure she lives nearby. She _______________________

__________________________________________________ .

5 It’s impossible that he dropped out of school. He __________

__________________________________________________ .

6 It’s possible that Greg is her father. Greg _________________

__________________________________________________ .

Час бр. 62 - 06. 05. 2020.

Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.

Use must, may, might, could, can’t or couldn’t.

0 It’s possible that Jack knows it. Jack may know it.

1 I’m certain he worked for the FBI. He must have worked for the FBI.

2 It’s possible that Amelia was a spy. Amelia might/could/may have been a spy.

3 I know he isn’t a hooligan. He can’t be a hooligan.

4 We’re sure she lives nearby. She must live nearby.

5 It’s impossible that he dropped out of school. He can’t have dropped out of school.

6 It’s possible that Greg is her father. Greg might/could/may be her father.

Час бр. 63 - 08. 05. 2020.

Reading Skills

1 Put the sentences (A-H) in the gaps 1-8 in the text. There is one extra sentence.

In the past, gender roles were clearly defined. 1_______________ The top box office success of 1987 was Three Men and a Baby, a comedy about the men trying to look after a baby. Being men, they had no idea of what to do. Everyone laughed because it was true to life. 2_______________ Or have roles changed so much that the idea of a man not being able to change a nappy is as unlikely as that of a woman not being able to change a tire on a car.

How did attitudes change so much? Here are some people who have helped us to see that our roles need not be so clearly defined.

From the age of 16, John Lennon was involved in making music. He was always the most publicly aggressive member of his group, The Beatles. 3_______________ However, in 1969 he married his second wife, Yoko Ono. She made him aware of a different way of life. In 1976, he decided he’d had enough of the music business and became a house husband. He stayed at home, looking after his baby and making bread while Yoko continued with her work. 4_______________ However, in interviews, he said that these were the happiest years of his life. David Beckham, another superstar, has also shown his feminine side. In 2002, he wore a sarong, a Malaysian dress, to a nightclub. Was he making a statement about sexual equality? Perhaps it was just another clever photo opportunity. 5_______________

Margaret Thatcher was another person who reversed roles. She was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain. People often said that she acted more like a man than some of her male colleagues. 6_______________ Perhaps someone could repeat her success now but without sacrificing their femininity.

However, some things never change. Mike Newell, the Luton Town football manager, is no stranger to controversy. In 2006 he became famous for criticising the assistant referee of a match his team were playing in. 7_______________ The assistant was a woman. He made it very clear that, in his opinion, a woman’s place was not on a football pitch. Or anywhere near one!

Perhaps before attitudes can change completely, our Royal Family needs to become more modern. Prince Charles is the Queen’s oldest child and so, will become King when the Queen dies. No surprises there. Imagine, though, if something happened to Charles, William and Harry. 8_______________ The Queen’s second oldest child? No, her third oldest. Why? Because the second oldest child is Anne. She’s a woman and she comes after the men. Surely, in the 21st century, this can’t be right.

A We will probably never know.

B His first marriage was a very traditional one.

C Fortunately, most people no longer think like this.

D This is quite common behaviour but in this case there was another factor.

E The man went out to work, the woman stayed at home to look after the children.

F Who would take over?

G Friends couldn’t believe he could just abandon his career.

H In the male dominated world of the late 1970’s, there was no room for females but women could still succeed.

I Would it work now, twenty years later?

Час бр. 64 и 65 - 13. и 15. 05. 2020.

Час бр. 66 и 67 - 20. и 22. 05. 2020.


3 Read the leaflet asking for volunteers for different

schemes. Choose from sentences A–F the one which

fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence.

A We need people to check that the food isn’t out of

date, pack it in boxes and, most importantly, chat with

the people who come into the centres.

B It can also help you cut costs.

C An increasing number of people are making use of this


D These will also give advice on personal security.

E Traditionally, they gave food to the homeless.

F This can be a real comfort, especially for people who

live alone.

1    _________       

2   _________        

3   _________

4  _________      

5 _________


Volunteers are urgently needed to operate food banks in our

area. We have had foodbanks in our towns and cities for many

years. (1)  ______   However, with the growing problem of low

wages and high prices, even some families with parents in

work now use them. They are therefore more important than


We are not asking for financial help. Supermarkets, charities,

and other organisations provide the food that we need. Local

business leaders have helped to finance our centres. What we

need is keen volunteers who can give their time. (2)         

We will train you to give help and advice to people as well as

providing phone numbers of organisations that people can

contact if they need financial help.



Would you like to play a bigger part in helping your

community? Why not sign up to join a neighbourhood watch

scheme? Being part of a scheme gives you the security of

knowing that other people are keeping an eye out for any

suspicious behaviour and reporting it to the authorities.

(3) _______ It also reduces the number of crimes committed.

If you join up, you will receive emails with reports of

burglaries or other problems in your area. (4) _______ For

example, they will give tips on how to secure your home better

and what to ask if people come to your door claiming that they

are collecting money for charities. In addition, some funding is

available for burglar alarms.


We are calling on all business people to help us with our new

Rehabilitation in the Workplace scheme. The aim is to provide

work for people who have recently been released from prison.

Despite some opposition from those who think that we should

be doing more to help those who haven’t committed any

crimes, we believe this will bring benefits to everyone.

(5) ________ This is an official government-funded scheme, so

half of the wages and all the employment insurance and taxes

of anyone on the scheme will be paid for you. A trial of the

scheme has been running for the last six months in the London

area and, if you wish, you can read reactions of employers

who have taken on employees on our website.