
Час бр. 50 - 18. 03. 2020


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Past Simple or Past Continuous.

0 When I _was watching_ (watch) television, my brother ___broke__ (break) my computer.

1 What _________________(your son/do) yesterday at 8 p.m., Mrs Walker?

2 It _____________________ (rain) and the sun _______________ (not/shine).

3 What ________________ (you/read) before you ______________(fall) asleep?

4 While she ________________(complain) about the noise, he __________________(switch) on the television.

5 Finally he _______________ (finish) writing and called it The Cat Waltz.

Prilog 2 READING

I Read this text about the old colonel and answer the questions below the text.

I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can't remember all of them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I have also been once to Russia but I didn't like it at all: much too cold for me!

They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four times but never for more than five years. I don't think women really understand me!

I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a programme about life in the military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous cinema and television personalities. I've never met the American President though which is a pity.

Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks. I ate a cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a little island in Italy many years ago.

Retired- penzionisan

1 What job did he do before retiring?

2 How many times has he been to Australia?

3 Why was he married so many times?

4 When did he meet the prime minister?

5 Where did he eat a cat and rat?

GRAMMAR – Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb.

have/has (3.l.j.) +III kolona/ed

Pomoć pri radu

Prilog 1

Prilog 1 je domaći koji bi trebalo da uradite do petka. (da utvrdimo gradivo od prethodnih časova)

1 Ako se sećate priče o pesniku koji nije završio pesmu, zaboravivši svoj san...

Coledrige was writing his poem when someone knocked on his door.

2 Radnja koja je trajala u određeno vreme u prošlosti.

What were you doing at 10 o’clock yesterday.

3 Dve naporedne radnje u prošlosti koje traju.

I was doing my homework while my mom was cooking dinner.

Prilog 2

Nastavna jedinica za danas. Pročitajte tekst o starom poručniku i odgovorite na pitanja u vezi sa tekstom. Tekst je pisan koristeći Present Perfect i Past Simple. Pročitajte kako se Present Perfect gradi (radili ste ga u osnovnoj školi), pogledajte tabelu. Pronađite primere ovog vremena u tekstu, uperedite ga sa vremenom Past Simple koji takođe zastupljen u tekstu. Razmislite kada se upotrebljavaju ova vremena. Odgledajte video koji vam može pomoći.

Sledeći čas šaljem više o Present Perfect-u!!!

Prilog 3

Ovo je dodatni/dopunski rad. Imate savete kako da bolje upamtite nepravilne glagole, kratku listu često korišćenih glagola i dve igrice za vežbanje. Uživajte!

Domaći -tj. popunjeno vežbanje iz Priloga 1 mi šaljete na mejl marijabugarski@gmail.com

Час бр. 51 - 20. 03. 2020.

Za Sredu:

1) Student’s book, page 98 and 99 (znam da izgleda da preskačemo mnogo, ali u planu je tako pa ćemo se vratiti nazad)


  • Vote-glasati

  • Elections-izbori

  • Government-vlada

  • Voter-glasač

  • Bullying-zlostavljanje

Odgovorite na pitanja u drugom vežbanju

Pogledajte ponovo video od prošlog časa


Pročitajte šesto vežbanje

Homework – od 7 do 10 vežbanja. Uradite u sveskama i pošaljite sliku!

Час бр. 52 - 25. 03. 2020.


You are going to listen to a song called ‘a girl like you’ written and performed by Edwyn Collins.

Task 1: What’s the rule again?

The present perfect is formed by:

/ + .

can be abbreviated by ve


Task 2: Listen and fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box.

  • Before

  • Met

  • Come

  • Just

  • Known

I've never(___________) a girl like you (___________)

Now (___________) like in a song from days of yore.

Here you (___________) a knockin', knockin' at my door

And I've never (___________) a girl like you before

Task 3: Listen and match the lines correctly.

1) You give me just a taste

2) Now my hands are bleeding

3) Cos now you've got me

4) And I've never met

a) and my knees are raw

b) crawlin', crawlin' on the floor

c) a girl like you before

d) so I want more and more

Task 4: Listen and order the following lines correctly (1 – 11).

Number 10 and 11 are already filled in for you.

( ) And I've never known a girl like you before ( ) Never known a girl like you before

( ) Know that I'm talkin' about the way I feel ( ) Never,never, never, never

( ) This old town's changed so much

( ) You've made me acknowledge the devil in me ( ) Hope that I'm talkin' allegorically

( ) I hope to God I'm talkin' metaphorically ( ) Don't feel like I belong

(_10_) Too many protest singers

(_11_) Not enough protest songs

Task 5: Underline the words that go with the present perfect. Example: she has done her homework.

And now you've come along Yes you've come along

And I've never met a girl like you before


Task 6: Rewrite this sentence into the present perfect.

1) You give me just a taste.


Task 7: Rewrite these sentences into the past simple.

1) You’ve got me crawling on the floor.

_Yesterday, (___________)

2) You’ve come along

_Last week, (___________)

Task 8: Write down the infinitive of these irregular verbs.

1) known (___________)

2) met (___________)

3) got (___________)

4) made (___________)

Час бр. 53 - 27. 03. 2020.

Present perfect simple – Upotreba

Present Perfect Tense (Sadašnje svršeno vreme) se koristi za:

1) Radnju koja je upravo završena, te se stoga uz njega često nalazi vremenska odrednica just (upravo). Ovaj prilog se nalazi između glagola to have i participa prošlog:

· She has just gone out. (Ona je upravo izašla.)

2) Radnju koja se desila u prošlosti u neko neodređeno vreme:

· I have travelled to America. (Putovao sam u Ameriku.)

3) Prošlu radnju koja ima vidljive rezultate (posledice) u sadašnjosti:

· The lift has broken down. We have to use the stairs. (Lift se pokvario. Moramo da idemo stepenicama.)

· I have washed the car. It looks lovely. (Oprao sam kola. Izgledaju odlično.)

4) Za radnju koja kazuje neko životno iskustvo subjekta. U ovom značenju često se javljaju i prilozi ever (ikada) i never (nikad), koji se nalaze između glagola to have i participa prošlog:

· He has never eaten Chinese food. (On nikada nije jeo kinesku hranu.)

· Have you ever been to France? (Da li si ikada bio u Francuskoj?)

5) Za radnju koja se dogodila ranije nego što je očekivano. U tom smislu se upotrebljava prilog already (već) koji se nalazi između glagola to have i participa prošlog:

· Jane: Tom, don’t forget to post the letter. (Džejn: Tome, nemoj da zaboraviš da pošalješ pismo.)

· Tom: I’ve already posted it. (Tom: Ja sam ga već poslao.)

6) Za očekivanu radnju. U tom smislu koristimo reč yet, koja se nekada ni ne prevodi, ali ima značenje do sad, do ovog trenutka, još uvek. Ona se nalazi na kraju rečenice, i koristi se samo u odričnim i upitnim rečenicama:

· Has it stopped raining yet? (Da li je kiša prestala da pada?)

· I haven’t done my homework yet. (Još uvek nisam uradio svoj domaći zadatak.)

Past simple tense – Upotreba

Prosto prošlo vreme se koristi za radnju koja je završena u prošlosti.

Karakteristične vremenske odrednice uz koje se upotrebljava su:

· yesterday – juče,

· the day before yesterday – prekjuče,

· two years ago – pre dve godine,

· three hours ago – pre tri sata,

· last Monday – prošlog ponedeljka,

· last year – prošle nedelje,

· in 1977 – 1977. i sl.

Ovo su dva korisna linka za vežbu(Present Perfect, Past Simple i Past Continuous). U pitanju su interaktivna vežbanja, dok gledate video biće vam postavljena pitanja, na koja odgovarate. Kada odgovorite na pitanje pritisnete znak koji izgleda kao PLAY(plavi krug ili zeleni) dugme kako bi nastavili sa videom.



Час бр. 54 - 01. 04. 2020.

Домаћи за петак је да на 82. страни у уџбенику преведете речи из 1. вежбања на српски и да одговорите на питања у 2. вежбању. Урадите домаћи у свескама и пошалјите слику. У прилогу је објашњење везано за једно будуће време. Прочитајте!


GOING TO se koristi za nešto za šta se zna da će se desiti u budućnosti. To je uglavnom nešto što se planira, želi ili je očigledno.

Nije odluka doneta u trenutku kao što je slučaj sa will oblikom, već nešto o čemu smo malo duže razmišljali.

Zato je i sam oblik duži, pa koristimo AM/IS/ARE + GOING TO + INFINITIVE


Nešto što planiramo, nameravamo, želimo i doneli smo odluku da će to biti u nekom trenutku u budućnosti:

I am going to go to Vegas next week.

Idem u Vegas sledeće nedelje.

Bob is going to start a public speaking course.

Bob će krenuti na kurs javnog besedništva.


Nešto ukazuje i pokazuje da će se nešto desiti:

Look! They are going to wash the car.  (Izrečeno u trenutku kada radnici perionice pale mašinu za pranje kola)

Pogledaj! Oni će da operu kola.

Час бр. 55 - 03. 04. 2020.

Translate into Serbian

b) vote (glagol)- (_______)

c) elections- (_______)

d) government- (_______)

e) voter- (_______)

f) sightseeing- (_______)

g) bed and breakfast- (_______)

h) beach- (_______)

Complete with Past Simple and Past Continuous

  1. He (_______) (not/finish) the book before his death.

  2. As they (_______) (sit) by the fire, somebody (_______) (knock) on the door.

  3. At seven o’clock my son (_______) (surf) the Internet and I (_______) (clean) the kitchen.

  4. No, it (_______) (not/snow) when he (_______) (decide) to leave the house.

  5. Eventually he (_______) (give) us the key to the room.

Complete with Past Simple and Present Perfect

  1. What kind of husband is he? He (_______) (not/help) her with the housework in his life.

  2. (_______) (you/send) her the text message yet?

  3. When (_______) (he/get) the piercing?

Час бр. 56 - 08. 04. 2020.

Opiši svoj instrument

  • kojoj vrsti instrumenata pripada

  • kada je napravljen prvi

  • od kog materijala se pravi

  • delovi slika/crtež

  • kako se ispravno drži

  • kako proizvodi zvuk





Insert question >

1) a) Translate into Serbian

b) vote (glagol)-glasati

C) elections-izbori

d) government-vlada

e) voter-glasac

f) sightseeing-razgledanje

g) bed and breakfast-prenoćište sa doručkom

h) beach-plaža

Insert question >

2) Complete with Past Simple and Past Continuous

  1. He didn't finish (not/finish) the book before his death.

  2. As they were sitting (sit) by the fire, somebody knocked (knock) on the door.

  3. At seven o'clock my son was surfing (surf) the Internet and I was cleaning (clean the kitchen.

  4. No, it wasn't snowing (not/snow) when he decided (decide) to leave the house.

  5. Eventually he gave (give) us the key to the room.

Insert question >

3) Complete with Past Simple and Present Perfect

  1. What kind of husband is he? He hasn't helped (not/help) her with the housework in his life.

  2. Have you sent (you/send) her the text message yet?

  3. When did he get (he/get) the piercing?

Час бр. 57 и 58 - 15. 04. 2020.

prvi razred 58 čas.docx

Час бр. 59 - 22. 04. 2020.

Modal Verbs of Obligation

We can use have to + infinitive, must + infinitive and should + infinitive to express obligation (something you have to do).


  1. have to / don't have to

  2. must / mustn't

  3. should / shouldn't


  1. strong obligation (possibly from outside)

    • Children have to go to school. (sometimes 'have got to')

  2. strong obligation (possibly based on the speaker's opinion)

    • I must study today.

  3. mild obligation or advice

    • You should save some money.


  1. no obligation

    • I don't have to work on Sundays.

    • You don't have to eat anything you don't like.

  2. negative obligation

    • You mustn't smoke here.

  3. mild negative obligation or advice

    • You shouldn't smoke so much.

Be careful about the difference between mustn't and don't have to!

Mustn't means it's not allowed, or it's a bad idea:

  • You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick

Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it:

  • I don't have to get up early at the weekend(of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I can stay in bed if I want).

Час бр. 60 - 24. 04. 2020.

prvi razred 60 čas.docx

Час бр. 61 - 29. 04. 2020.

Complete the sentences with mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, should or shouldn’t.

  1. I think you __should__ lie down for a moment. You don’t look well.

  2. I think you [_________________] ignore the problem. It may be a dangerous virus.

  3. Are you crazy? You [_________________] go surfing in such terrible weather conditions. You might get killed.

  4. Students who are over eighteen [_________________] go to bed at 10 p.m. They may stay up until midnight.

  5. Our teacher says that we [_________________] be here at half past seven. If we’re late, they’ll go on the trip without us.

  6. You [_________________] take part in all the activities, you know. It’s not a sports camp.

  7. The doctor told me that I [_________________] stay indoors for a week if I don’t want to have problems with hay fever.

  8. What do you think you’re doing? You [_________________] take antibiotics without talking to the doctor first! It’s dangerous for your health!

  9. If you’re scared of heights, you [_________________] go bungee jumping

Час бр. 62 - 6.5.2020.

  • Complete the sentences with mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, should or shouldn’t.

0 I think you __should__ lie down for a moment. You don’t look well.

1 I think you shouldn’t ignore the problem. It may be a dangerous virus.

2 Are you crazy? You mustn’t go surfing in such terrible weather conditions. You might get killed.

3 Students who are over eighteen don’t have to go to bed at 10 p.m. They may stay up until midnight.

4 Our teacher says that we have to be here at half past seven. If we’re late, they’ll go on the trip without us.

5 You don’t have to take part in all the activities, you know. It’s not a sports camp.

6 The doctor told me that I have to stay indoors for a week if I don’t want to have problems with hay fever.

7 What do you think you’re doing? You mustn’t take antibiotics without talking to the doctor first! It’s dangerous for your health!

8 If you’re scared of heights, you shouldn’t go bungee jumping

Час бр. 63 - 08. 05. 2020.


1 Read the three adverts. Match the texts (A-C) to the questions (1-7). / 7

Which advert

1 talks about things you can eat?

2 doesn’t write about a boat trip?

3 says you are going to travel at night?

4 says you spend a week in one place?

5 says that you are not going to sleep in a bed?

6 offers four different kinds of transport?

7 says you can climb a high building?

A Magical Egypt

We fly from London to Cairo. For the first three nights, we stay in Cairo. You’re going to love the old city streets, the markets and the local foods. You can visit the Pyramids and ride a camel if you want! On the second night, there’s going to be a surprise party so bring some smart clothes. We then travel from Cairo to Luxor by train. We take the night train and arrive in Luxor early in the morning. After breakfast, there is a tour of local temples. From Luxor, we travel by boat for three days to Aswan. We have three more nights in Aswan, visiting temples, and we go on a coach trip to the amazing Abu Simbel. From Aswan, we fly back to Cairo and from there to London.

B African adventure

This is our newest tour so it’s going to be exciting for all of us. We fly to Johannesburg in South Africa and then we are going to drive through Africa for two months and fly home from Nairobi in Kenya. We’re going to camp so you need to bring a sleeping bag. On the journey, we hope to see the Victoria Falls, the Kalahari Desert, Mount Kilimanjaro and, of course, the national parks where we can see wonderful, wild animals. Don’t worry, we’re not going to camp anywhere dangerous! We are also going to have three nights on the exciting island of Zanzibar.

C Coast to coast

Our most popular tour is our coach tour to the USA. We fly to New York on October 6th and you have a week there for sightseeing. There are tours to the Statue of Liberty and you can see Central Park, shop on Fifth Avenue or look at the views from the top of the Empire State Building. We also go for the famous ‘circle line’ boat ride around Manhattan Island – a great chance to take photographs. After New York, we get on our special coach and travel all over the country, from Miami to San Francisco. Don’t worry, you’re not going to sleep on the coach! We stop at motels and have lots of time for sightseeing.

Reading skills

1 Read the three adverts. Match the texts (A-C) to the questions (1-7). / 7

Which advert

1 says you sleep on a boat?

2 doesn’t talk about an island?

3 talks about a holiday in more than one country?

4 tells you exactly when the holiday starts?

5 doesn’t say how long the holiday is?

6 thinks you might be worried about something dangerous?

7 says you should bring special clothes?

A Magical Egypt

We fly from London to Cairo. For the first three nights, we stay in Cairo. You’re going to love the old city streets, the markets and the local foods. You can visit the Pyramids and ride a camel if you want! On the second night, there’s going to be a surprise party so bring some smart clothes. We then travel from Cairo to Luxor by train. We take the night train and arrive in Luxor early in the morning. After breakfast, there is a tour of local temples. From Luxor, we travel by boat for three days to Aswan. We have three more nights in Aswan, visiting temples, and we go on a coach trip to the amazing Abu Simbel. From Aswan, we fly back to Cairo and from there to London.

B African adventure

This is our newest tour so it’s going to be exciting for all of us. We fly to Johannesburg in South Africa and then we are going to drive through Africa for two months and fly home from Nairobi in Kenya. We’re going to camp so you need to bring a sleeping bag. On the journey, we hope to see the Victoria Falls, the Kalahari Desert, Mount Kilimanjaro and, of course, the national parks where we can see wonderful, wild animals. Don’t worry, we’re not going to camp anywhere dangerous! We are also going to have three nights on the exciting island of Zanzibar

C Coast to coast

Our most popular tour is our coach tour to the USA. We fly to New York on October 6th and you have a week there for sightseeing. There are tours to the Statue of Liberty and you can see Central Park, shop on Fifth Avenue or look at the views from the top of the Empire State Building. We also go for the famous ‘circle line’ boat ride around Manhattan Island – a great chance to take photographs. After New York, we get on our special coach and travel all over the country, from Miami to San Francisco. Don’t worry, you’re not going to sleep on the coach! We stop at motels and have lots of time for sightseeing.

Час бр. 64 и 65 - 13. и 15. 05. 2020.

prvi razred 64 i 65 čas.docx

Час бр. 66 и 67 - 20. и 22. 05. 2020.


1 Read the stories and match each sentence (1–5) to a story (A–C). You can choose each

story more than once.

1 There was an unexpected extra night’s travelling.

2 The other passengers made it special.

3 The plan to save time didn’t work.

4 Delays and discomfort weren’t what I was expecting.

5 I chose this form of transport because it was the most convenient.

1 _______        

2 _______         

3 _______

4 _______       

5 _______



We often travel by plane but we don’t use budget airlines, even though they are cheaper and

often fly to the places we want to go. I’d rather pay more for a bit more comfort. Last Christmas,

we wanted to spend the holidays with family and friends and we had a change of flight in

Frankfurt, Germany. The time between flights was 45 minutes and we soon realised that we

weren’t going to make it. The airline was good to us and the other passengers and gave us food

and a comfortable hotel to sleep in. We got a flight the next morning but, unfortunately, it meant

that we missed a big family party. I thought I’d been clever and found a quick way to get to

Canada but I was very wrong. Now I know that I need to leave at least two hours between flights

if I want to be safe. That’s much better than missing a flight or arriving without your luggage.


We decided to travel across Europe by train. Train travel always looks so romantic in films. I

imagined leisurely meals in the dining car and meeting exotic people, followed by a comfortable

night’s sleep. Things started to go wrong before we had even left. The security and check-in for

the train from London was just like at an airport, except that the queues were longer. Then, when

we got to Brussels, we found that our night train was three hours late and there was nowhere to

leave our bags. After a very long and not very good meal at the station, it was finally time to get

on the night train. It was OK but the compartment was too hot and when we opened the window,

it was too noisy to sleep. The beds were hard and there was no dining car so everyone went

straight to their own compartments and didn’t socialise at all. It wasn’t quite as I had imagined it!


We wanted to go to England but weren’t sure how to travel. We live a long way from an airport

and, anyway, none of us like flying. If we went by train, we would have to change three times. In

the end, we went by coach. It left our home town at five o’clock in the afternoon, as planned, and

arrived in London, exactly on time, twenty-two hours later. I wasn’t expecting to sleep well and

it wasn’t as comfortable as a bed but it was better than I had imagined. The bus stopped every

four hours for a rest and we all got out. Everyone was very friendly and chatted and the

atmosphere was almost like a party. Then, at about eleven o’clock, it all went quiet as people

tried to sleep. When I got out in London, half asleep but happy, I felt as if I was saying goodbye

to old friends. I’m now planning on doing more travelling by coach.