
Час бр. 50 - 18. 03. 2020

Prilog 1-Homework

Watch this video it might help. Click on the link.


A Complete the exercise using verbs in the present perfect.

1 ____________________ (you ever play) in the school football team?

2 I don’t like snow. ____________________ (I never go) snowboarding. What about you?

3 My brother is fantastic at tennis. ____________________ (he play) fi ve matches this season and ____________________ (he win) all of them.

4 My grandparents ____________________ (never go) on a plane. They ____________________ (not travel) to New York or London.

5 Your sister’s in a rock band? Wow! ____________________ (she ever meet) anyone really famous?

B Choose the correct words.

Alex: (6) Have you ever watched / Did you watch the basketball on TV last night?

Emily: No (7) I haven’t / I didn’t. (8) I have never liked / didn’t like basketball. I prefer volleyball.

Alex: What do you think about yoga? (9) Have you ever tried / Did you try it?

Emily: Yes, I (10) have been / went to the class after school last Monday.

Alex: (11) Have you liked / Did you like it?

Emily: Yes, (12) I have / did. But my back hurts today.

Prilog 2

64 page in your textbooks!!!

Read the text and do exercises one and two.

Prilog 3- Games

Practise irregular verbs – past participle



Pomoć pri radu

Prilog 1

Prilog 1 je domaći koji bi trebalo da uradite do petka. (da utvrdimo gradivo od prethodnih časova). Imate i video koji će vas podsetiti na upotrebu Present Perfect-a. Domaći -tj. popunjeno vežbanje iz Priloga 1 mi šaljete na mejl marijabugarski@gmail.com

Prilog 2

Nastavna jedinica za danas, udžbenik 64. stana. Pročitajte tekst i odgovorite na pitanja u prvom i drugom zadatku. Možete koristiti neki online rečnik kako bi preveli nepoznate reči. Ako nešto ne nađete, pitajte me kada budete slali domaći.

Prilog 3

Ovo je dodatni/dopunski rad. Imate dve igrice za vežbanje III kolone. Uživajte!

Prilog 1-Homework

A Complete the exercise using verbs in the present perfect.

1 _Have you ever played (you ever play) in the school football team?

2 I don’t like snow. _I have never gone__ (I never go) snowboarding. What about you?

3 My brother is fantastic at tennis. ____He has played_____ (he play) five matches this season and he has won all of them.

4 My grandparents ______have never been______ (never go) on a plane. They ___ have never traveled_________ (not travel) to New York or London.

5 Your sister’s in a rock band? Wow! _Has she ever met________ (she ever meet) anyone really famous?

B Choose the correct words.

Alex: (6) Have you ever watched / Did you watch the basketball on TV last night?

Emily: No (7) I haven’t / I didn’t. (8) I have never liked / didn’t like basketball. I prefer volleyball.

Alex: What do you think about yoga? (9) Have you ever tried / Did you try it?

Emily: Yes, I (10) have been / went to the class after school last Monday.

Alex: (11) Have you liked / Did you like it?

Emily: Yes, (12) I have / did. But my back hurts today.

Час бр. 51 - 20. 03. 2020

Prilog 1

Listen to this song and do activities below!


"Count On Me" - Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the _________ of the sea

I'll sail the world to ________ you

If you ever find yourself lost in the _______ and you can't see

I'll be the ________ to guide you

Fill in the blanks with the missing words: - find - light - middle - dark

We find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

Find a word/phrase that means “discover”: __________________


Match the sentences that form the chorus:

You can count on me ______________________

a) be there

I’ll _____________________

b) are supposed to do oh yeah

And I know _________________________

c) like 4,3,2

I can count on you ________________________

d) be there

And you’ll _____________________

e) like 1,2,3

‘cause that’s what friends _________________________

f) when I need it

If you're tossin' and you're turnin

and you just can't feel asleep

I'll sing a song behind you

And if you ever forget how much you really need to me

Every day I will forget you

There are some words that are not correct. Underline and correct them.

We find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need


You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go

Never say goodbye

I Conditional

Uslovne rečenice

If you are tossin' and you're turnin and you just can't feel asleep, I will sing a song beside you

Prepoznajte i napišite u kom su vremenu podvučeni delovi!

Sledeći čas radimo ovo!

Час бр. 52 - 25. 03. 2020.

Час бр. 53 - 27. 03. 2020.

The First conditional – Prvi kondicional

Kada se koristi Prvi kondicional?

Prvi kondicional koristimo kada nešto što uradimo sada ima rezultata u budućnosti.

Ako vam neko kaže:

“Ako učiš, položićeš ispit”, na engleskom bi vam to rekao koristeći prvi kondicional:

If you study, you will pass the exam.”

Kako se gradi Prvi kondicional?

Prvi kondicional gradimo tako što u delu rečenice gde se nalazi IF koristimo present simple, odnosno prosto sadašnje vreme (if you STUDY – ako UČIŠ), a u drugom delu rečenice WILL + INFINITIVE (položićeš ispit – you WILL PASS the exam). To je lako zapamtiti, jer nam je prvi deo, IF deo, nešto što radimo u sadašnjosti, pa zato koristimo present simple. U drugom delu rečenice izražavamo kakav će efekat naš postupak imati u budućnosti, pa koristimo WILL + INFINITIVE

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.

Arsenal won’t (will not) be in the top of the league if they don’t win.

When I finish work, I'll call you.

I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives. (čim)

I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.(osim ako)

I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home. (u slučaju)

You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.(pod uslovom)

1) U pitanju je interaktivno vežbanje, dok gledate video biće vam postavljena pitanja, na koja odgovarate. Kada odgovorite na pitanje pritisnete znak koji izgleda kao PLAY(plavi krug ili zeleni) dugme kako bi nastavili sa videom.


2) Provežbajte reči vezane za sportive i sportsku opremu



Час бр. 54 - 01. 04. 2020.

Complete with Present Perfect or Past Simple

1 What kind of husband is he? He (not/help) her with the housework in his life.

2 (you/send) her the text message yet?

3 When (he/get) the piercing?

4 After the wedding they in Paris for eight months.

5 How long (your sister/know) him?

6 You’re not going to believe this! Dan (take) his girlfriend to that expensive restaurant in the city centre yesterday.

7 What? Our daughter wants to live with him?

But she (not/finish) at college yet.

Complete with Present Simple or will+inf,

1. If her parents give her £100, Sue (go) to France.

2. Sue will learn French if she (go) to France.

3. If Sue learns French, she (get) a job in France.

Час бр. 55 - 03. 04. 2020.

Час бр. 56 - 08. 04. 2020.

Kako se gradi pasiv u engleskom jeziku?

Pasiv se gradi od glagola to be (u vremenu u kom je glavni glagol u aktivnoj rečenici) i participa prošlog (past participle) glavnog glagola. Subjekat aktivne rečenice postaje agens (vršilac radnje) u pasivnoj, i često se izostavlja. Ukoliko se ne izostavlja, uvodi se predlogom by, i najčešće se nalazi na kraju pasivne rečenice.

aktiv: My grandfather planted this tree.

pasiv: This tree was planted by my grandfather.

  1. Present Simple -> He delivers the letters. -> The letters are delivered.

  2. Present Continuous -> He is delivering the letters. -> The letters are being delivered.

  3. Present Perfect -> He has delivered the letters. -> The letters have been delivered.

  4. Past Simple -> He delivered the letters. -> The letters were delivered.

  5. Past Continuous -> He was delivering the letters. -> The letters were being delivered.

  6. Past Perfect -> He had delivered the letters. -> The letters had been delivered.

  7. Future Simple -> He will deliver the letters. -> The letters will be delivered.

  8. BE GOING TO -> He is going to deliver the letters. -> The letters are going to be delivered.

  9. Modals -> He can deliver the letters. -> The letters can be delivered.

  10. Infinitive -> He has to deliver the letters. -> The letters have to be delivered.

Kada se pasiv upotrebljava?

Pasiv se upotrebljava:

1. kada je vršilac radnje nepoznat, nevažan ili očigledan iz konteksta:

Jane was shot. (Ne zna se ko ju je upucao.)

This church was built in 1815. (Vršilac radnje nije bitan.)

He has been arrested. (Vršilac radnje je očigledan.)

2. u cilju ljubaznijeg ili formalnijeg izražavanja:

The car hasn’t been cleaned. (ljubaznije)

(You haven’t cleaned the car. – manje ljubazno)

3. kada je radnja bitnija nego vršilac radnje, npr., u slučaju procesa, uputstava, događaja, izveštaja, naslova, novinskih članaka, i reklama:

30 people were killed in the earthquake.

4. kada se stavlja akcenat na vršioca radnje:

The new library will be opened by the Queen.

Vršilac radnje

Kada želimo da kažemo ko je vršilac radnje, koristimo predlog by i ime (by Peter), imenicu (by the teacher) ili zamenicu u objekatskom obliku (by him) na kraju rečenice. Vršilac radnje se spominje samo ukoliko je bitan za dati kontekst:

Our house was designed by a famous architect.

Vršilac radnje se izostavlja:

1. ukoliko je nepoznat

Our car was stolen last night. (Ne znamo ko ga je ukrao.)

2. ukoliko nas ne zanima ko je vršilac radnje ili isti nije bitan

He has been taken to hospital. (Ono što je bitno jeste sam događaj.)

3. ukoliko se može zaključiti iz konteksta ko je vršilac radnje

The murderer was arrested last night. (Nije potrebno napomenuti da je uhapšen od strane policije.)

4. ukoliko je subjekat aktivne rečenice somebody, people, they, you, itd.

Someone broke the window. → The window was broken.

Iz aktiva u pasiv

Promena rečenice iz aktiva u pasiv:

  • objekat aktivne rečenice postaje subjekat pasivne

Agatha Christie wrote this book. → This book was written by Agatha Christie.

  • glagol prelazi iz aktivnog oblika u pasivni, dok glagolsko vreme ostaje nepromenjeno

  • subjekat aktivne rečenice postaje agens (vršilac radnje) u pasivnoj. Stavljamo ga na kraj rečenice, uz predlog by.



Час бр. 57 - 10. 04. 2020.

Udžbenik-strane 84 i 85

1) Prepiši u svesku







Publicity-javnost, publicitet

Sub (gl.)- korišćenje titlova


2) Pročitajte objašnjene na strani 85 vezano za pasiv (6 vežbanje)!

3) Domaći 7 i 8 vežbanje

Час бр. 57 и 58 - 15. 04. 2020.

drugi razred 58 čas.docx

Час бр. 59 - 22. 04. 2020.

Drugi kondicional - objašnjenje

a. kako se gradi ovaj drugi kondicional?

Drugi kondicional takođe se sastoji od dve rečenice:

If rečenice koja je u Past Simple vremenu

Glavne rečenice, koja je u Conditional tense - kondicionalnom vremenu, odnosno would+infinitiv

Evo i primera:

If I had a car, I would visit you!

= Da imam auto, posetila bih te!

b. kako se postavljaju pitanja u 2. kondicionalu?

Ako odslušamo lekciju sa  puno primera pitanja i odgovora , odmah je jasno da pitanja kreću kao i  na srpskom:

Šta biste radili da se obogatite? = What would you do if you got rich?

Da li bi kupila kuću da se obogatiš? = Would you buy a house if you were rich?

c. kako se grade negacije u 2. kondicionalu?

a. If I didn't have so many problems...

b. If you weren't poor...

ako negiramo glavnu rečenicu, sigurno će biti:

a. I wouldn't have any friends...

Znači, možemo napraviti rečenice koje zvuče ovako:

If I wasn't* poor, I wouldn't complain = Da nisam siromašan, ne bih se žalio. 

If I didn't work, I would feel free = Kad ne bih radio, osećao bih se slobodno. 

d. kada se koristi drugi kondicional?

  • dali nekome savet/predlog: If I was* you, I wouldn't complain = Da sam na tvom mestu, ne bih se žalila.

  • iskazali mogući rezlultat uslova koji nije trenutno realan: If I learnt Russian, I'd  be able to help you = Kad bih učila ruski, mogla bih da ti pomognem.

  • maštali: If I was the president of Serbia, I would change everything! = Da sam ja predsednik Srbije, sve bih promenila!

* Ranije se uz I i IT uvek koristilo WERE da bi se pokazalo da su to (puste) želje. Zbog toga ćete često naići na rečenice:

If I were the president... If I were you... If I weren't poor ... i slično.

Час бр. 60 - 24. 04. 2020.

drugi razred 60 čas.docx

Час бр. 61 - 29. 04. 2020.

Complete these Second Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If I __had__ (have) enough money, I __would buy__ (buy) a surfboard.

  1. He ____________________________ (not/have) problems with his heart if he ____________________________ (not/smoke) so much.

  2. If she ____________________________ (not/be) ill, she ___________________________ (try) bungee jumping.

  3. What ____________________________ (she/say) if her boyfriend ____________________________ (take) her to a football match?

  4. Where ____________________________ (you/spend) your holiday if you ____________________________ (can) choose any place in the world?

  5. If he ____________________________ (not/be) so ambitious, he ____________________________ (not/take) part in these activities.

  6. He ____________________________ (win) the game if he ___________________________ (not/have) backache.

Час бр. 62 - 06. 05. 2020.

Complete these Second Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

0 If I __had__ (have) enough money, I __would buy__ (buy) a surfboard.

1 He wouldn’t have problems with his heart if he didn’t smoke so much.

2 If she wasn’t ill, she would try bungee jumping.

3 What would she say if her boyfriend took her to a football match?

4 Where would you spend your holiday if you could choose any place in the world?

5 If he wasn’t so ambitious, he would take part in these activities.

6 He would win the game if he didn’t have a backache.

Час бр. 63 - 08. 05. 2020.

Reading Skills

1 Read the texts about seven famous British films. Match the headings (A-H) to the correct texts (1-7). There is one extra heading.

/ 7

A Not the same as the book £

B Mixed emotions £

C Small is best £

D This is for my boy £

E Third and best £

F Romance in the city £

G Nothing left £

H Family murdered £

This month’s special feature

Great British Movies

1 Goldfinger. This James Bond film was made in 1964. It came after Dr No and From Russia with Love and many people believe it is the best of the Bond films. Bond is trying to stop Goldfinger stealing all the gold in Fort Knox. Bond chases Goldfinger in a specially made Aston Martin DB5 car which has many surprises for Bond’s enemies.

2 The Italian Job. Made in 1969, this comedy crime film showed a gang of criminals going to Italy dressed as football hooligans to steal millions of pounds in gold from the Fiat car factory. The Mafia can’t stop them and the police can’t stop them as they race out of Turin in three Mini cars, very small but fast cars which can drive on pavements and through subways.

3 Kind Hearts and Coronets. This was a very black comedy about a number of murders. The murderer was from a rich family but the family refused to help him. He decided to kill everybody until he was the only one left and could get all their money. Sir Alec Guinness played all seven members of the family, young and old, male and female.

4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Monty Python team are famous for their strange humour and this film was no different. The story is about King Arthur but this film is very different to anything that has been written about the king in history books. On his journey he met a man with three heads, a group of giants who scare people by saying ‘ni’, and a killer rabbit.

5 Brassed Off. Members of a work orchestra lose their jobs. The film looks at their problems with money and illness and a competition to find the best orchestra in the country which, of course, they win. You’ll laugh one minute and cry the next.

6 The Full Monty. Six men decide they can earn money by dancing and stripping (taking their clothes off). The hero needs money because he has to pay his ex-wife to look after his son. They get caught by the police and aren’t sure that what they are doing is a good idea but finally, of course, the show goes ahead and they make their money.

7 Quadrophenia. This was based on a record by rock group The Who. It’s about a boy called Jimmy. The first half of the film shows him getting ready for a weekend in Brighton where he and his friends are going to fight against their enemies. After the weekend, everything goes wrong. He is arrested, he loses his job, he loses his girlfriend and he crashes his bike.

Час бр. 64 и 65 - 13. и 15. 05. 2020.

drugi razred 64 i 65 čas.docx

Час бр. 66 и 67 - 20. и 22. 05. 2020.


3 Read the three texts. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 The aim of Text 1 is to

A encourage people to change their eating habits.

B criticise the lack of clear food labelling.

C compare obesity rates in the USA with rates in other countries.

D give information about the causes of obesity.

2 According to Text 1, obesity rates in the USA

A won’t get any higher.

B are over twice as high as in Britain.

C will go up over the next 30 years.

D are twice as high as they were 30 years ago.

3 The aim of Text 2 is to

A warn people of the dangers of obesity.

B advertise a new product.

C warn people not to lose weight too quickly.

D recommend that people reduce the amount they eat.

4 Which of these is true, according to Text 2?

A There is nothing wrong with pre-cooked and frozen meals.

B Mini-mize tablets are cheaper than other diet pills.

C Other diet pills are not recommended by nutritionists.

D Mini-mize tablets work differently to other diet pills.

5 Text 3 is about

A how our eating habits are changing.

B why governments find it hard to control supermarkets.

C how difficult it was for governments to change our smoking habits.

D why taxes on food aren’t as effective as those on cigarettes.



Text 1


Obesity levels in western countries are rising fast. In the United States, obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 30 years from about 14.5% to over 30%. Some people think that over half the population will be obese within a few years. In Britain, around 20% are obese, the largest percentage in Europe. This is mainly because we eat more but also because we get less exercise.

Although food labelling shows us the number of calories we are consuming, we don’t seem to take any notice. However, we should because obesity reduces our life expectancy and causes many other health problems. We need to alter our eating habits and eat more fresh products and less packaged food. We should cut down on salt, sugar and fat, and cut out certain things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, which have no nutritional value at all.

Text 2


These days, people have less time to create meals from fresh ingredients. We know that it would be better for us but we also know that pre-cooked or frozen meals are quick and tasty. Unfortunately, they are also full of calories and contain unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s why Mini-mize is such an important new product. Unlike most diet pills, Mini-mize pills don’t make you feel full and they don’t provide you with vitamins or minerals that you may be lacking. They don’t need to. They allow you to eat all the food that you want but they then destroy the salt, sugar and fat in the blood. They have been recommended by nutritionists and doctors as a way to improve our health. Mini-mize means you can lose weight without worries – and all for the price of a large burger and fries a day!

Text 3


We all know that obesity levels are rising and that people are eating the wrong things. We also know that when governments want to act, they can. You only have to look at the laws to stop smoking in public places and the tax increases which have made smoking much less popular than it was. The same results could be achieved by similar taxes on fast food and fizzy drinks. Governments could also limit the numbers of fast-food restaurants or bring in laws to reduce the amount of salt and sugar used in packaged foods. However, they don’t do any of these things. Why not? Could it be because the food producers and supermarkets are too powerful? The biggest supermarkets sell most of our food and also control many of the supplies from farms and other food producers. If the government did threaten to change the law, these huge companies could bring the country to its knees very quickly.