
Practical suggestions to get started on the path of taking refuge in community.

Links to find Online RD Meetings

Guide on the logistical steps needed to start temporary and permanent Online Meetings

Practical step on how to start to find and cultivate supportive friendships in Recovery

Tools and resources to find and create content for RD book study meetings

Reminder about our disclaimers:

  1. None of the information on the RDFA site is official Recovery Dharma Literature. It is simply the lived experience of some of us. Our wish for the future is that other groups will create their own guides - both with with differing views on how to walk this path and different formats that will make the information accessible to more people.

  2. The ideas outlined and resources shared on this site is It are offered in the spirit of a menu or buffet. There are often more steps than a particular person needs, or more resources listed than a single person can do in a week. The hope of this page is to offer varying steps and resources that address different styles of walking this path.