SOO Culture Team Concept: Diversity

Making Connections: What is Diversity, and Why Does It Matter?

Diversity is the mixture of differences and similarities each employee brings to the workplace to accomplish the goals of the National Weather Service. Explore some ways your office or organization is already diverse!


Different personality types result in differing opinions and ideas. More info on personality is linked here.

Learning Style

We all experience the world in unique ways, which brings diversity to our team and shared experiences.


Your talents and capabilities are diverse! Each individual brings different strengths to a team.

Leadership Style

Anyone can be a leader, but the way we lead others isn't always the same. Learn more about leadership here.


Awards? Kudos? Money? Not all of your diverse team members are motivated by the same things!


Weather might be our common interest, but our other diverse interests make our teams unique.


We all come from somewhere, and that unique background shapes our diverse and individual selves.


Different offices, different events; they all create diverse experiences that we carry with us into the future.

Now that we understand how our uniqueness contributes to a team, explore these resources to help solidify how and why diversity of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, and national origin are important.

Getting Involved: How Can SOOs Promote Diversity?

Our unique position as managers, team leaders, and mentors can have a huge impact on the diversity of our office and the inclusiveness of our staff. Explore the following areas where SOOs may be able to help promote and support diversity at a local office level.

  • Hiring (click this link for more information)

  • Team and Workgroup Composition

  • Delegating Work

Stories From the Field

Coming soon! If you have stories about how diversity has had a positive impact on your team, please email