Team Building

Important Considerations

It's crucial to recognize that, before anything else, the individuals that make up your team are PEOPLE.  "Seeing colleagues as people", means recognizing that each person we interact with has their on aspirations, challenges, emotions, and experiences that shape their perspective and actions.  This outward mindset perspectives will help foster:

The Benefits of Team Building

Fun Team Building Activities

Building a Team Identity

To build a team identify, there has to be a sense of "team" to begin with which takes concerted effort to build.  One of the key foundations to team building and then the resultant identify of that team will require psychological safety.  So, reflect as a manager or as a staff member, do you feel you have that within the office?  If yes, then move on towards building the team and it's identify by using the 4C's outlined below.  To begin establishing a team identity you will need time, energy, and intention. Remember, it all starts with a conversation. If you want to establish a team identity, you have to give your team an opportunity to openly discuss the 4 C’s of a Team Identity: clarity, commitment, contribution, and concerns. 




Rather than immediately delegating tasks, let your team suggest assignments based on their potential contributions. 


Team Building Guide - Designing the Desired Culture

The first step is for leaders to block out one and a half to two hours to facilitate the conversation with their team. Leaders can call the session “Cultural Brainstorm” or “Working Together.” It is important to establish context for the meeting so people come prepared. Leaders can share this article along with the below message: 

As we enter another challenging year, I want us to brainstorm and plan how to build and maintain a team culture that supports us at our best. I saw this activity in Forbes and thought it would be great for our next meeting. I know you are all busy, but I would love you to read the questions below and be thinking about them leading up to our meeting. I look forward to designing our year together.

Send people the following questions to reflect on before the meeting: 

Personal Reflection Questions

Team Reflection Questions

For each Blueprint Focus Area, think about what we have done previously that you would like to do again or continue, and what new ideas you would like to try.

We Want to Hear From You!

Has your office done some fun and effective team building exercises lately? 

 If so, fill out this short form and we will populate the results below to give others some ideas!

Team Building Exercises That Made a Difference! (Responses)

Team Building Blocks

Establish Trust

For your team/office to become more productive, increase trust among team or staff members. The best place to start establishing trust is by getting to know your employees/peers, enhancing your own emotional intelligence, self-awareness and eliminating unconscious bias. When there is trust among employees, they can connect well and help each other with proper problem-solving and improve morale.   Article: What's the Best Way to Build Trust at Work? Article:  The Importance to Getting to Know Your Employees

Develop Great Teamwork

This does not occur overnight. It requires conscious effort from every individual on the team or in the office and the leader as well. To develop teamwork, a leader must provide clear objectives and goals to EVERYONE.  When everything is put on the table for the staff, they will have a clearer picture of how team/office cohesion is crucial. and how their contribution is going to assist the team, office and/or agency in the long run. 

Provide a Good Work Environment

Your team or offices ability to work depends on the fact that they are given the proper space to do so. Providing employees a working environment where they feel comfortable, that they belong and have access to the necessary resources and tools will increase their efficiency and effectiveness.

Communicate Well

A team or office that has strong communication skills is most likely to excel in what they do. And as a leader, it becomes their duty to develop a system where everyone can communicate well without any hiccups. Communicating effectively needs to be done on a routine basis so that everyone can share their views and opinions. Also, keep in mind that to communicate well with your team or office, choose the right words to encourage them. Avoid using judgmental phrases and maintain a friendly tone, so that team morale is high. This will help the effectiveness of the team/office as they will be more motivated towards their job. 

Connect with Team Members

Getting to know each of your team members or staff individually is essential. Each employee has different traits, skills, and interests. Gaining knowledge of particular things will help you bond with them well.  When you connect with your peers/employees, you will match their skillset and passion with the right task—further enhancing their productivity and elevating job satisfaction. This, in turn, reduces the risk factors of employees getting frustrated with their job and making workflow smoother within the office or on a team.

Encourage Contributions

A team and office is only capable when the employees can put forward their ideas in front of everyone. This is possible when a manager/leader starts contributing and collaborating with your staff. Once they set an example and make everyone comfortable with the idea, then others will follow you. Leaders should ask their staff to come up with innovative plans and ideas so that everyone can contribute as a unit. Organize a brainstorming session will allow collaborative sharing of opinions. When your team/office and yourself work collaboratively, problem-solving becomes more natural, and the team's effectiveness increases.

Practice Feedback

Teams can only excel in their work and become effective when they get the right feedback. Practicing feedback not only concentrates on improving every individual, but also focuses on developing a better office culture. Successful teams and offices work around a sound feedback system where they continuously get an update about their progress. A working feedback system provides teams continuous reports on where they need to work on the most and improve themselves — further increasing their work efficiency and productivity.  Performance Review Section.

Team Building from the Experts

The seven drivers of team effectiveness.