Change Management

"Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change." 

-Tony Robbins 

When we perceive change as a threat it can lead to distress because we experience the demands posed by our environment to be too taxing, and we feel we are being forced to go beyond our limits or capacity to cope.  This isn't necessary!

When we experience change as a challenge, for example, as an interesting opportunity to learn or do something new, this is when we are more likely to experience positive stress because the new environmental demands seem within our abilities and limits.  Strive for this!

NWS Transformational Change with a Growth Mindset!

NWS is transforming to better support our employees and partners.  As we undergo this transformation, it may cause uncertainty and stress. 

Through Mindful NOAA, in collaboration with the NOAA OCFO, a webinar was held that explored approaches, practices and resources to help navigate change and employee well-being and positive workplace culture.

The NWS Priorities and Actions for the future means we will be embarking on 

Transformational Change!

Transformation Change requires a Growth Mindset. 

Change is inevitable and it’s a part of life and we have to be okay, as individuals and organizations, that it will happen.  A growth mindset will help to lessen the burden of seeing change as scary and unwanted to instead, viewing it as an opportunity to do something different and potentially great! It is in the growth period that innovation and new ways of thinking surface, with the potential to positively alter your office or organization! Have feedback on these priorities or other topics,  check out “The Ken Connection”

Strategies that will help you develop a Growth Mindset that will help you persist and thrive through change. 

Successful Change Management Techniques

Change Managment Techniques

For successful change management within an office or entire agency, our people must come first - they must buy in:  

For change to take root…

Keep in mind...

Article Reference for Changing Culture 

Additional Article: How To Get Your Team on Board with a Major Change

Change Management Articles