Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

The content on this page is based on the Management and Supervision (M&S) presentation by Jen McNatt on Work-Life Balance.  

By definition, Work-Life Balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life.  However, for most, our work and life is not balanced.

Boomers (1945-1964)

Exposed to many hardships

Craved stability and employment

Work-life balance was not a priority

Generation X (1965-1980)

Raised not seeing work-life balance

Craved work-life balance

Pushed for telework, leave, etc 

Millenials (1981-2000)

Stereotyped with lack of work ethic

Desire for employment stability

Crave work to fit into lifestyle

Generation Z (2000-2015)

Stereotyped for "quitting" to easily 

Value stability in employment

Wants work to align with passion

What job factors contribute to Work-Life conflict?

High Pressure


Unpredictability in work routine

Long Hours

High Demands

Profit Focused

Abusive Supervision


Poor Relationship with Co-workers

What individual factors contribute to Work-Life conflict?

Being highly invested in work

Having organizational commitment and loyalty

NWS employees are known to be highly motivated, driven and capable which can negatively impact their work-life balance

Being hard on yourself

Being an overachiever

Health issues

What family factors contribute to Work-Life conflict?

Children (number, age, special needs, etc.)

Partner needs

Elder Care

Feeling Lonely (no support system)

Financial Burdens

Work-Life Imbalance

The impact of a work-life imbalance: 

Physical Health Symptoms, Depression, Alcohol Intake, Mood Disorders, Burnout, Intention to Quit 

Benefits of Work-Life Balance

Having more consistent work-life balance leads to: Better Career Satisfaction, Increase Life Satisfaction, Higher Productivity at Work, Better Eating Habits and overall Health

Try the Wheel of Life exercise. The Wheel of Life is designed to assess how areas in your life are currently balanced and to help you work towards improved work-life balance. 

Setting Boundaries to Improve Work-Life Balance


Social Media

Turn the "work brain" off!

Leaving Home issues at Home


Mental Health Breaks - Read: Restorative Breaks

Additional Resources

NOAA Nursing Mothers Program

NOAA is committed to empowering families by enabling parents to achieve breastfeeding goals. In our NMMP bulletin this month, we focus on how NOAA offices and supervisors can create functional lactation spaces and understand the basics of parental leave to assist employees in navigating options.  

Looking to connect with another parent who might have the same concerns?  The NOAA Peer Support Program offers mothers opportunities to discuss breastfeeding topics, share ideas, and experiences with one another in a safe and comfortable environment.  Contact for more information.

Personalized Assistance Coping with COVID-19 

For personalized assistance on coping with COVID-19, contact a WorkLife specialist 24/7 at 877-WL4-NOAA (877-954-6622) or send a message to WeCanhelp@lifecare.comEnsure 

it includes your name, contact number and/or email address and a description of what the specialist can help you find.  Visit the “WorkLife Tips and Resources to Help You Navigate COVID-19” page for more information (click here, and enter “noaa” as screen name and password to access. 

Special Recorded 8-Session Limited Series Mindfulness Meditation for Well Being & Performance.  This series of one-hour virtual workshops is for anyone interested in achieving optimal well-being and improving their levels of workplace performance.  Enter “noaa” as screen name and password to access. 

Family Resources

For those juggling childcare and/or children attending school virtually, EverFi (a trusted NOAA partner) may be able to assist you via the Family Portal which provides direct access to over 100 interactive game-based lessons.

Free Tutoring Program for Grades K-12

The pandemic and disruptions to the traditional education experience may be affecting many families.  The Federal Employee Education and Assistance (FEEA) fund has teamed up with (a service of the Princeton review) to offer free, personalized, academic tutoring for kids in grades K-12.  Every tutoring session is anonymous and takes place in a secure online classroom.  The online help is available to federal employees earning less than $100,000 a year who have children in school.  If your salary is over the cap or you are not a regular hire federal employee, you can access services for a fee.  To learn more about FEEA,, eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund.

EAP Resources                                                                                                                                                                                                        

As a reminder, EAP is a confidential and free benefit available to you or your eligible family members.  Contact EAP directly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848.  The consultants and specialists are experts in understanding the difficulty of living with uncertainty; helping with the anxiety and other emotions that may arise due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19); and finding concrete resources to support you.  You can learn more about EAP at

Please Note: Contractors are not eligible for EAP or Worklife4You services.


Please contact Rosa Sorrell, 301-628-1846,, if you have any questions or concerns.   

Wellness Resources

NWS Behavioral Health page | NOAA Employee Wellness | Consumer Checkbook Guide