Employee Resources

Resources that Employees can use to support themselves and a healthy/happy workplace.

The Leadership Academy's "New Hires Orientation" is the agency's official welcome to new employees.  

A plethora of information about benefits and opportunities available to you as a NWS employee. 

A resource page for all NWS employees related to networking, career growth opportunities, etc.

Easily access helpful topics for all employees in one place. NOAA Portal. OPM HR Employee Guide

Culture/DEIA Resources

Check out the Blueprint Best Practices to find ways you and your peers can help in creating and sustaining a healthy workplace environment within your office and enhance the employee experience for all.  

These subtle practices can make a huge difference in making your office culture healthy and should involve everyone!

If you are interested in starting a Culture or Diversity Team, feel free to use this guide to help get started.  

Even if you have a Culture, BIDE, or even Leadership Team, some of the content within this guide might be useful. 

NWS DEIA element in Employee Performance Plans

Individual development planning benefits the organization by aligning employee training and development efforts with its mission, goals, and objectives. 

Applying for a Job? What you need to know through a one hour video facilitated by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

Corresponding slides.

Above is a link to a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) associated with resumes and applying for jobs on USAJobs. 

NOAA’s L·A·N·T·E·R·N (formerly NOAA’s Rotational Assignment Program (NRAP)) is a development program to promote employee growth, networking, and collaboration. 

Retention & Recruitment Tools

These interviews are utilized in organizations across the US as a means to better understand the employee experience and respond to workforce needs.  These interviews are conducted between the supervisor and employee with a focus on the workplace environment and job satisfaction.  An employee or supervisor can request a Stay Interview.  The end goal is to build trust, foster engagement, improve morale, allow the workforce to feel heard and valued, and ultimately help retain employees. 

Exit Interviews 

If you have made the choice to leave NOAA, remember to complete NOAA’s Exit Survey.   

If you have made the choice to leave a NWS office but are staying within NOAA/NWS, please fill out this NWS Exit Survey.  

Information from these surveys will allow both NOAA and NWS to gather valuable information on why employees leave and how to improve working conditions for future retention. 

Visit the Commerce Learning Center (CLC) to take the training on Family Leave Policy!

In order to receive paid parental leave, you must invoke FMLA unpaid leave in webTA by submitting the above form. This form should be submitted to your manager for review and awareness. If provided to your manager in advance, paid parental FMLA leave cannot be denied. 

Prior to using paid parental leave, you are also required to enter into a  Service Agreement: 12-Week Work Obligation to work for 12 weeks after the day on which paid parental leave concludes. This form should be submitted to your manager for approval. 

A resource page that provides guidance for Family and Medical Leave.  

NEW: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)

Goal: Identify and implement ideas to increase the health and well-being of NWS

shift-working employees. For more information on the Shiftwork Flexibility Team priority, check out the Team Charter.

An M&S webinar by Jen McNatt, Deputy Regional Director, Southern Region, discussing on Work-Life Balance and its Role in Leadership

Helpful links to access telework policies, the application to establish a telework agreement, and the form to request VPN access. 

Above is an MOU between NWSEO and Management announcing new opportunities for increased mobility for employees. 

The NWS point of contact for the program is Flanisha Barrett. Please feel free to reach out to her if you have any questions. For more information, please reference the instructions for this program.

This program will put a structure in place for a consistent approach to job share across the NWS.

Here is an FAQs document to help you become familiar with this initiative. 

Reasonable Accommodation provides information for employees with disabilities. 

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP): Donor - Employees may donate annual leave to another employee, enrolled in the VLTP, who has exhausted their available paid leave due to a personal or family medical emergency.  To access site, must be on a secure site/VPN.

EAP provides services like counseling and stress management to create a positive and productive work environment for all employees. 

The NWS Health and Wellness Services Fees Reimbursement Program was developed to assist and encourage employees to achieve and maintain physical fitness through the use of health club and wellness services.

Learn more about CISM by checking out some conference presentations and training modules designed specifically as training for NWS employees. 

Transitioning back to work after having a baby can be challenging. NOAA’s Nursing Mother’s Program aims to address common concerns and challenges a nursing family might experience by providing emotional and lactation services. 

Onboarding Resources

Welcoming new employees into your office’s culture is very important. This is true whether they’re new to your office or to the NWS, but especially so if new to the agency. Part of improving organizational culture is setting those new employees up for success.

Local mentoring programs are designed to better welcome and train our new staff, in addition to developing an organizational culture based on continual learning: an inclusive, whole-office culture where all employees invest in the development of their peers and themselves throughout their careers.

This welcome packet designed to be one of the first lines of communication with a new employee. It helps them get to know the physical area better, including information about housing & apartment costs, schools, information on grocery stores and fitness facilities, etc. Download the template and fill in information about your local area!

Develop Onboarding Resources For New Employees

Retirement Resources

Whether you are a new employee or have a long tenure within our agency, this guide can serve as a reminder of all the basics of your retirement benefits. 

NOAA’s Office of Human Capital Services (OHCS) Retirement and Benefits Counseling Branch is pleased to launch the Government Retirement & Benefits Platform™ (GRB) for all National Weather Service (NWS) Federal employees.

GRB is a web application that gives you 24/7 access to personalized and general information about your government-wide benefits from anywhere. Your individual payroll and benefits information automatically uploads into your GRB profile biweekly, providing a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of your retirement and benefits.

If you are using your government computer, please sign in with your CAC/PIN. If you are using a home computer or other device, you will be prompted to sign in with your NOAA email address and password.

This new policy was developed jointly by members of the Commerce Labor-Management Forum representing management and unions, including NWSEO, in the Department of Commerce bureaus and operating units. 

Phased retirement allows certain retirement-eligible, full-time employees to transition to a fixed part-time work schedule while also drawing about half of their retirement benefits. 

The TSP site not only provides access to your account but links to informational webinars on a variety of TSP topics. 

View additional details about your pension at the site above. NOTE - Most employees now fall under the FERS plans, not CSRS. 

Are you wondering how to navigate a problematic behavior within your office? Check out this list of materials to help guide you under the arena of toxicity, bully/harassment, incivility/rudeness, unprofessional behavior, and the schedule.

EEO Opportunity 8b.pdf

You Have Confidential Support!

NWS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Unit

Whether you have experienced or are currently experiencing a hostile/toxic work environment through bullying, harassments, sexual assault or discrimination, if you are unsure of what action to take or have questions please contact Pat Brown (Patricia.Brown@noaa.gov), Bali White (Bali.White@noaa.gov), Sabrina Johnson (Sabrina.Johnson@noaa.gov), and/or Mary Dunbar (Mary.Dunbar@noaa.gov) to receive confidential counsel. 

NOAA Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights

If you feel that you have been the victim of Sexual Harassment and wish to file an equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint, please contact the NOAA Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights at: 1-800-452-6728 or (301) 713-0500. For more information on Sexual Harassment and the EEO Complaint process we also encourage you to visit the Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights website.

NOAA Workplace Violence Prevention and Response (WVPR) Office

Members of the NOAA workforce and NOAA affiliates who have been impacted by sexual harassment or sexual assault can contact the WVPR office for confidential consultation. A WVPR staff member can provide information regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment reporting options, victim advocacy services, and available resources. For more information, visit the WVPR website or to contact a WVPR Regional Coordinator, send an inquiry to noaa.victimservices@noaa.gov.