
“Our mindsets are our mental lenses that shape how we see the world. In fact, I call them our mental fuel filters.”

— Ryan Gottfredson, Ph.D. 

Our mindsets are our mental fuel filters because every day we are bombarded by a near infinite number of stimuli, and it is our mindsets that filter select information to our brains. This information goes on to fuel three things that are foundational to how we live our lives: our thinking, our learning, and our behaviors. 

What is mindset?

Mindsets are specific, recognizable, and repeatable orientations to our life’s experiences. 

When you are faced with any of the following situations, your mindsets will guide your interpretation and response to each situation in specific, recognizable, and repeatable ways:

Here are some important implications we have learned associated with mindsets:

Recognizing Mindset Red Flags

Recognizing Red Flags 

Four Sets of Mindsets

There are four sets of mindsets that have been identified and have received 30+ years of research backing. 

Each set represents an empirically-backed continuum, and the quality of our mindsets will fall somewhere along each continuum. 

Inward and Outward Mindset

How Inward and Outward Mindsets Affect Our Thinking

How Inward and Outward Mindsets Affect Our Operating

Additional Resources and Training Opportunities are coming to the NWS:

Fixed and Growth Mindset

How Fixed and Growth Mindsets Affect Our Thinking

How Fixed and Growth Mindsets Affect Our Operating

Open and Closed Mindset

How Open and Closed Mindsets Affect Our Operating

How Open and Closed Mindsets Affect Our Thinking

Prevention and Promotion Mindset

How Prevention and Promotion Mindsets Affect Our Thinking

How Prevention and Promotion Mindsets Affect Our Operating

Where Do You Stand?

Through our minds, we take in and process the world around us. Depending on the mindset that you possess on the day-to-day, there can be a world of difference in how you approach life. Mindsets shape our thoughts, beliefs and experiences, with one to another determining whether we unlock our happiness and whether we find our success. 

This is particularly true for professionals with big dreams. If you work on your career doubting yourself, putting down your accomplishments and seeing it all through a negative lens, you may be setting your own self up for failure. As we work for what we want, our chances for success may often lie simply within our mindset. 

The good news is that a mindset is not actually set in stone. You can reframe your thoughts at any moment, and you can always change your approach when needed. 

-Forbes | How You Can Make The Right Mindset Work For You