Risk Management

What is Risk Management?

Risk management is the ongoing process of identifying, assessing, responding to, monitoring, and reporting risks.

Why is Risk Management important to the NWS Culture?

Culture is the behaviors, habits, values, and norms which are reflect in our workplace and environment and influence our attitude or feelings about work.  It is developed over time and determines an organizations ability to achieve long-term success.  This is an increasingly high priority for NWS leadership.  

Culture is consistent, observable patterns of behavior in organizations. It's not just WHAT we do, but WHY we do it.  

For example, if an office champions innovations and trying new things, its employees likely have an attitude of openness to new ideas, and the staff work to create a safe environment to take chances. 

Check out this great module that talks about Fostering a Healthy Risk Management Culture.

Assessing Risk Culture

Risk culture is how people in an organization consistently behave and respond to risk, as well as their motivations for doing so.  How does your team respond to risk?  How about the NWS as a whole?  Some of these adjectives provide more favorable results than others, but what does our organizational culture drive people to do?  

Healthy Risk Culture

Do we exhibit the types of behaviors that encourage personnel at all levels to analyze, investigate, explore, share, discuss, and plan for risks?  If so, we have a healthy risk culture.  

The State of Risk Culture

Based on Organizational Health Index (OHI) survey data  

NWS has improved both risk management and open & trusting scores - however, there is still room for improvement.  

Only a little more than half of NWS employees feel it is safe to take risks, debate ideas, or express thoughts. 

Blueprint & Risk Management

Through the Organizational Health Blueprint (which is based on OHI data), the NWS is trying to improve upon four main focus areas to help improve culture and support thriving employees.  By addressing all four focus areas, this will also foster healthy risk culture.

Transparency & Openness

Create opportunities for open conversations where everyone is encouraged to participate.  This enables diversity of thought.  Provide a psychological safe environment for staff/peers to feel comfortable to share their ideas, thoughts, and ask questions without fear of judgement.  Actively listen.  Reward risk communication. 

How to support a culture of risk?

Safe space - Psychological Safety is the belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. 

Channels - the NWS Leadership, managers and supervisors must create channels for open feedback.  (1) Allow time in meetings for discussions and new items, be willing to discuss ideas outside of meetings, through chats, and through email. (2) Allow employees to communicate in their own ways to increase comfort and willingness to speak up.  (3) Use technology such as shared documents or chat rooms to give people a way to see if others have similar concerns and may increase their level of comfort in sharing.  

Employee Wellness & Development

One of the challenges the NWS faces is through leadership development.  We often times promote based on skills with little experience in leadership.  The NWS is working to expand our leadership development which will help all employees support healthier cultures.   Not to mention, if employees feel the agency is transparent and open to hearing their thoughts and concerns, it improves their mental health and wellness. 

Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration

In order for our agency to transform, we must share and collaborate both within our offices and across the entire agency.  This is challenging given our geographically dispersed organization.  In addition, folks need to feel safe to speak among people they may not know.  This requires transparency, openness, trust, and leadership (Focus Areas T&O, and EW&D).

Continuous Improvement & Harnessing Innovation

As was noted above, focus areas 1-3 will help with this last focus area with our continued desire to improve our agency through transformation efforts and innovation. 


Enterprise Risk Management

Check out the NWS Enterprise Risk Management Google Site. This site provides information and resources pertaining to NWS Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to raise awareness about the ERM process and improve the NWS's overall risk culture.