
Honest endorsements from our fellow colleagues across the NWS that reiterate the importance of organizational health and culture.

"Take Care of Our People and They Will Take Care of The Mission!" 

- Ken Graham, NWS Director

Mary Erickson Testimonial Final.mp4

Deputy Director: Mary Erickson's Message

Ryan Ellis


Science and Operations Officer

Ariel Cohen


Meteorologist in Charge

Shonna Larkey


Administrative Assistant

Mike Ottenweller



Employee Testimonials

"In my experience, especially within field management, promoting and cultivating a positive and caring office culture is absolutely critical in meeting the work requirements and mission of the NWS."

~NRAP Culture Participant

"I think it's important to recognize that a group's culture is never static. It's ever-evolving. Even when the individual makeup doesn't change, there can be significant life events that affect members of the team that can result in cultural change. It's honestly one of the more beautiful things about humanity; Nothing is static. We're always changing, always growing, and always learning from one another."

~NRAP Culture Participant

"Be that employee who encourages others, who invests in their success as you do your own, who is a trusted confidant in times of need, who praises and corrects when appropriate, who is willing to do whatever it takes for the team to succeed, and who isn’t someone others dread working with. Do these types of things and I think you’ll find small victories in combating stagnation and low morale, or perhaps, with your actions, bring great change to an office."


"Organizational health is like a house's foundation, it supports everything. If you don't address negative issues, the house can crumble around you or that mold can grow. This means taking care of, retaining, and motivating people and always evolve to better serve."

~Joe Phillips

An organization's culture is defined by watching, absorbing, and emulating the characteristics of those who move up and seemingly succeed, while simultaneously rejecting the characteristics of those who can't move up and seemingly fail. Organizational health is measured by elevating the accepted cultural behaviors within the organization, while simultaneously suppressing the cultural behaviors deemed unacceptable. Therefore, it is up to the group's collective to drive the direction an organization takes as well as the group's leaders to administer accountability for what is deemed acceptable and what isn't.  

~Linda Gilbert