Communication & Collaboration

Communication in Practice

The below is based on the SHRM Managing Organizational Communication Toolkit.


Effective Communication...

Ineffective Communication may increase the chances for misunderstandings, damage relationships, break trust, and increase anger and hostility. Ineffective communication may stem from poorly aligned strategy, a failure to execute the strategy, use of the wrong communication vehicle, bad timing, and even nuances such as word choice or tone of voice. 

TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION- some may initially think of communication mainly in the context of delivering messages to employees about business issues, policies and procedures, but two-way communication plays an essential role in a comprehensive communication strategy. Listening to employee issues and concerns builds loyalty and drives improved productivity. Organizational leaders can learn through listening about issues or concerns before they become formal grievances or lawsuits. They can also discover potential employee relations issues and learn about attitudes toward terms and conditions of employment.


Effective Communication Strategies:

Everyone Plays a Role:


Additional Practices relevant to Communication can be found under the Transparency & Openness, and Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration Focus Areas!

How effective is your in-office communication?

Want to test how effective communication and collaboration is within your office?  Consider hosting this fun and short exercise at your next staff meeting either virtually or in person.  

Collaboration in Practice

Establish Psychological Safety

Employees need to feel they can show up as themselves to work 

Effectively Communication

It's the ability to communicate when projects hit roadblocks and resolve conflicts in healthy ways.

Develop Communication Tools

Collaboration skills can come to life with the right tools. 

Build Skill Sets

your team needs those skills and capabilities as the foundation. Then, the tools help to become that vehicle or vessel for delivery.  

Communication through Feedback

Being able to provide and receive feedback is an essential skill for growth and improvement, both in the workplace and beyond. It gives you the chance to course correct, or to keep improving when you are already doing well. No matter where you are in your career journey, understanding the art of giving and receiving effective feedback can boost your personal and professional development.  

Communication & Collaboration Articles