
Examples of Allyship

  • Being Mindful of the way you communicate: can the disabled community effectively understand my message? How can I adapt?

  • Have a servant's heart; praise each other's efforts in the workplace, express gratitude. Understand the we all learn differently

  • Utilize the concept of bystander intervention when you witness inappropriate action or spoken works in the workplace

  • Be empathetic; understand that each of us carry our own baggage and life experiences which mold our daily actions and reactions to certain situations

  • Embrace altruism: the belief or practice of disinterested or selfless concern for the well-being of others

  • Dont just take their word for it! Do your homework; think before you speak and how your words, actions, or interaction may harm a person or group

  • Be aware of your own biases (we all have them) and privilege: do your part to lift others up who may not have been as "fortunate"

"Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers


5 Tips for Being an Ally

What is Allyship?

Allyship @ Netflix

Current NWS Allyship Initiatives

In 2020, the NWS launched three different Tiger Teams to implement employee feedback and improve key areas in the agency. All three Tiger Teams included recommendations pertaining to diversity, inclusion, and allyship. The allyship recommendations are currently underway, and are listed below. To see their progress, visit the Dashboard or connect with the Tiger Team Task Force.

  • Enhance DEIA Training, New Employee Orientation and other training related to Allyship