Semester-End Assessment 

Semester Portfolio & On-Demand Essay

Competency #2:  Critical & Creative Thinking, Problem Solving

Competency #3: Self-Direction

Semester-End Assessment

The Semester Portfolio and On-Demand Essay provide you with a capstone experience which is the semester-end assessment (SEA) for this course. It's worth 10% of your course grade. Once it has been submitted during SEA week, it can't be remediated or revised. 

What happens during the SEA Block? 

Throughout this two hour block, you will: 

Semester-End Assessment Scoring Rubrics

American Experience

June 24_SEA- Semester Portfolio Rubric Practical

CP English 11

June 24_SEA- Semester Portfolio Rubric CP

Honors English 11

June 24_SEA- Semester Portfolio Rubric Honors