Ccell Palm - Simple Mod To Vastly Improve Vaping Quality 

Since delivery of the Uni Pro, I've playing with my Ccell Palm to see if I can get it to deliver the same smooth vapour of the Uni Pro that I'm so impressed with. Result TOTAL success - I'll share what I've found below.

Obviously, this is only one way of doing it and I'm sure there are many other. But from what I've found this afternoon, I'll definitely be modifying my others. It makes an already good device totally outstanding.

Washer cut from the edge of a 15mm copper pipe clip around the existing hole (which was coincidentally the right diameter), 0.36mm thickness was measured. Cut around the hole with nail clippers. Finished washer was polished with solvol autosol/cleaned with WD40. 

The washer is inserted into the base of the magnetic adapter as shown and provides a small gap which is shown in the pic below.... 

With the washer fitted, even when the magnetic adaptor is tightened, a gap is produced which greatly enhances airflow and still allows no detectable adverse effect on the autodraw