How To Drive Carts From Mod Boxes

Carts Can be screwed directly onto mods, but is best avoided because of the following issues ..

Using An Adapter To Solve The Above issues ..

Unscrewing the cart a tiny fraction will restore airflow, but doesn't address the leak issue. A more complete way is to use some sort of adaptor.  Both examples shown below allow airflow through the cart virtually unrestricted and prevent juice leaking into the mod's 510 connector.

A '510 to Ego Adapter', designed to fit a range of Joyetech carts but also serves as a 510 to 510 connector. Available on Ebay Wish and many other online retailers.

A grooved heatsink available from Wish

Setting The Mod To Drive Carts
TLDR - Use fixed wattage (power mode) on 3-8W, with a suggested starting setting of 3-6W and increasing from there as required. 

Update Nov 23 - it has been reported that leaking (from air holes) can occur during toking when using Wattages approaching 10-11W.  Therefore pending further testing, suggest sticking to a max of around 8W.  Please report your experiences on this via the Discord