The User Manager Tool

NOTE: This tool will only work if you're an administrator of the account, and have been given access to the license. If you do not have access as an administrator, you can send a request to to gain access to the license.

Click the "User Manager" Icon under the Admin Tools section.

The tool lists all the users in the selected license.

(1) This section gives you several different ways of searching for a user account. The fields with text entry boxes allow you to do partial searches where you do not have to enter the full name. By doing this you might also get more than one account listed.

  • Search by site: if you have several different sites in your system you can choose the drop down and select the specific site the user account is located in.

  • Search by role: This will allow you to select specific membership rolls in the system (Administrators, Principals, Teachers, Other).

  • Search by username: If you know the user name you can enter it into the field and search for the specific account.

  • Search by last name: By entering in the last name you can find any user accounts with the last name you enter.

  • Search by first name: By entering in the first name you can find any user accounts with the first name you enter.

(2) Once you enter in your search criteria (1) by selecting this button you will execute the search

(3) To do a password reset, click on the check box(es) to the left of the user account(s). This then highlights the account and prepares them for getting the password reset.

(4) In this box, enter the desired password you want to set the user account password to. If you leave it blank it will generate a random password for the account.

(5) Click this button to execute the password reset. The little red dot in the upper right corner of the button displays a numeric value which shows the number of accounts you have selected for the password reset.

(6) The "Register User" button will allow you to create/add new user accounts to the system. Note that you must have available free license spots in order to create additional accounts.

(7) The username (left side) and eye icon (right side) opens up a user account information (View User) box which will show you the sites the account is active in or have been deactivated in. It also shows you if they are actively assigned to a license.

View User

(8) The top section will show you the first and last name, the last time they logged into the system and if they are presently logged into the system.

(9) This displays the current user name. You can change the current user name here by overwriting the existing user name displayed here.

(10) This displays the current email address assigned to the user. You can change the current email here by overwriting the existing email address displayed here.

(11) This will show what site(s) the user is presently active in. It will also display any site(s) they were formerly in and are no longer active. Their inactivate sites will be displayed in red.

(12) This displays which license(s) and product(s) the user account is currently active in.

Register User

(13) Select the drop down and choose the license you want to add the user to. In most cases you will only have access to the one license, but there might be more than one. Once you select the license, the product(s) you have purchased licenses for will show in the product box.

(14) The product box will show your purchased product(s). The numbers indicate how many licenses are currently assigned on the left, and your total number available on the right. To assign the new user to a product, make sure you check the box to the left side of the product name.

NOTE: if all the license have been used:

  1. You can then access the "Manage License" tool and view the user accounts presently active under the license and remove accounts that may no longer be in use. This will free up a license to now be used for a new account.

  2. You can send in a request to purchase an additional license or licenses to or

(15) Enter in the user demographic information needed for the new account

  1. User Name: Is a required field. Enter in a distinctive user ID; preferably their email address or employee number.

  2. Password: Enter in the default password the new account will use when initially logging into the system. If you leave it blank the system will generate a random password.

  3. Email: Is a required field. Enter the employee's email address

  4. First name: Is a required field. Enter the employee's first name

  5. Last name: Is a required field. Enter the employee's last name

  6. Salutation, Gender, and Title are not required fields but can be enter if you have the information and want to have it accessible in the system

(16A) This section allows you to add the account to one or more sites.

  1. Site: Select the drop down and navigate to the site you want the account to be activated under

  2. Unique ID: Enter in a specific unique ID. Something that is specific to the user and is in line to the same ID other accounts have been using. In most cases it would be an employee number or an email address.

  3. Role: choose the drop down to assign the account to the correct member role. (Teacher, Principal, Administrator, Other)

  4. Add: once 1-3 have been entered click the add button. It will move the data you entered into the box below (16B). To add the account to additional sites, repeat steps 1-3 for each new site.

Final step is to click the "Register" button.

Clicking this will create the new user account with the default password and assignments to the site(s) selected above. If you receive an error saying that the username is already taken, check your current active user list to ensure the account is not already created or contact for assistance.