eTeacher Student View


The Subject View allows you to enter marks and comments in relation to the current term for one student and one subject at a time. To use this tool, one of your classes, then one of the students who take the class should be selected first.

Starting the Student View

  1. Click the eTeacher logo.

2. Click Report in the left side of the eTeacher menu.

3. Click Report Cards in the Report menu.

4. Click one of the classes.

NOTE: The Class icon reminds you that a list of students is associated to each class

5. Click any student name to select the student.

The Toolbar

  1. View the comments on all the students that take the class.
  2. View the comment(s) on the currently selected student.
  3. Start the Comment Browser tool to browse and apply comments.
  4. Start the Comment Browser tool to browse and apply standards.
  5. Create and print progress reports and report cards.
  6. Open the Comment Builder.
  7. Use the Teacher Report Card Completion tool to view the students whose report cards are not yet completed as well as the remaining outstanding tasks.

A Typical Student View UI

  1. The currently selected student's last name, first name and grade are displayed here.
  2. Save Report Card - When this button is white, there are no changes to save.

Save Report Card - When this button is red, click it to save the latest changes.

3. The classes taken by the selected student are displayed here. The currently selected class is displayed against a dark background.

You may select a different class to view or edit the marks of the selected student for a different subject.

4. Click on <<< to navigate to the first student in the list.

Click on Previous Student to navigate to the previous student in the list.

Click on Next Student to navigate to the next student in the list.

Click on >>> to navigate to the last student in the list.

5. Click on the [clear checkboxes] hypertext link to remove all the check marks.

6. Check all relevant checkboxes.

NOTE: Click Apply to all students to apply the checkbox selections to all the students in the student list.

When they apply to all the students in the student list, checkboxes are displayed against a turquoise background.

NOTE: When you click the IEP checkbox, you will be prompted to enter a choice between Modified Curriculum Expectations and Alternative Learning Expectations statements, if the current term is the second or third term i.e. one of the two terms for which a Provincial Report Card is created. Based on your choice, the relevant text defined by the Ministry of Education will be inserted into the comment box.

NOTE: The Science and Technology subject uses checkboxes to highlight strands in the report:

7. Click on one of the terms in order to view, enter/select or edit data related to the respective term.

NOTE: The current term is selected automatically by eTeacher when this screen is first displayed.

NOTE: The term that is currently selected is highlighted by displaying the respective box(es) against a blue background:

8. If the current term is the first term, use this drop-down to select one of the following:

    • D - Progressing With Difficulty
    • W - Progressing Well
    • V - Progressing Very Well

NOTE: You can select or edit the progress rating or enter/edit comments for the first term, if the first term is the current term.

NOTE: Unless you have a special permission to do so, you are not allowed to enter or edit the progress rating after the end of the first term.

NOTE: Unless you have a special permission to do so, you are only allowed to enter or edit comments related to the current term.

9. If the current term is the second or third term, select from a drop-down (for grades 1-6) or enter (for grades 7 and 8) the student's mark.'

NOTE: You can enter or edit the mark(s) and comments for the current term.

NOTE: Unless you have a special permission to do so, you are only allowed to select, enter or edit marks or comments related to the current term.

10. Check this checkbox in order that, in relation to the currently selected class,

    • students' mark averages or progress ratings be displayed in the individual student views beside Average: and
    • students be displayed in the Student List using the colour that corresponds

to their respective mark average (or progress rating) during the current term and be selected when their colour or level (R, 1, 2, 3, 4) is clicked in the left-hand panel and

    • students' mark averages or progress ratings be displayed in the left-hand panel beside the students' names:

NOTE: For multi-stranded classes, a Flagged by checkbox is provided for every strand. Second and third terms' averages are computed based on the selected "flagged by" strands. Check the Flagged by checkboxes corresponding to the strands whose marks you want to be averaged.

11. Four tools are provided to help you enter and edit comments.

    • Click the PDF icon to view the report card for this student.
    • Click the Eraser icon to erase the comment(s).
    • Click the Spell Checker icon to spell check the comment(s).
    • Click the Magnifier icon to enlarge the text input box or to shrink it back.

12. Enter comments in this text input box.

NOTE: If the text input box is grey, you have selected a term that is not the current term. Unless you have special permissions, you are only allowed to enter/edit marks and comments for the current term.

Homeroom Student View

1. Select the term.

NOTE: The current term is selected by default.

NOTE: In general, you are allowed only to enter or edit data related to the current term.

2. Use this input box to enter or edit the Total Days Absent (Year-To-Date).

A - This is a read-only field that displays the number of days the student has been absent during the currently selected term.

It is updated whenever you enter or edit the Total Days Absent.

3. Use this input box to enter or edit the Total Times Late (Year-To-Date).

B - This is a read-only field that displays the number of times the student has been late during the currently selected term.

It is updated whenever you enter or edit the Total Times Late.

4. You may select or edit the appraisal of each of the skills (Responsibility, Organization, etc.)

NOTE: On each row, select the corresponding skill level by clicking one of the symbols

5. Excellent

6. Good

7. Satisfactory

8. Needs Improvement

9. The skill levels are are grouped in three per-term columns, designated by P, R1 and R2.

For each skill, click one of the letter-buttons to select the student's level for the current term.

NOTE: The current term's skill levels are highlighted by being displayed against a blue background. You are only allowed to select the student's skill levels related to the current term.