eTeacher Preferred Name


The Preferred Name tool allows you to enter the preferred name of some or all the students that take one of your classes. The preferred name will be substituted for ~name when you select a comment from the library. If no preferred name is entered, the first name of the student is used instead. To use this tool, one of your classes should be selected first.

Starting the Preferred Name Tool

1. Click the eTeacher logo.

2. Click Report in the left side of the eTeacher menu.

3. Click Report Cards in the Report menu.

4. Click one of the classes.

NOTE: The Class icon reminds you that a list of students is associated to each class.

5. Click the Preferred Name tab.

The Toolbar

1. View the comments on all the students that take the class.

2. View the comment(s) on the currently selected student.

3. Start the Comment Browser tool to browse and apply comments.

4. Start the Comment Browser tool to browse and apply standards.

5. Create and print progress reports and report cards.

6. Open the Comment Builder.

7. Use the Teacher Report Card Completion tool to view the students whose report cards are not yet completed as well as the remaining outstanding tasks.

Preferred Name

You may enter or edit the Preferred First Name of every student.

If it is a non-empty string, the Preferred First Name is substituted for ~name in library comments.

If it is an empty string, it is the First Name that is substituted for ~name in library comments.

1. Save - When this button is white, there are no changes to save.

Save - When this button is red, click it to save the latest changes.

2. Preferred First Name

3. The Exclamation mark icon indicates that the respective Preferred First Name has been changed and needs to be saved.