List by Category

The List by Categories tab displays form records for one Category in a view at a time. 

- Modified refers to forms that someone else other than yourself has made updates to (e.g teacher or co-observer) and you have not yet viewed. Modified forms will have a blue highlight. .

-Unmodified refers to forms that have had no further changes since the last time you viewed it. 

The Subject Detail screen

You can view details about a specific staff member by clicking on their name in the grid or view form details by clicking on the walkthrough name. This screen will display all records for the currently selected individual. This allows you to see a staff member’s walkthrough history across all categories within the same view. 

To open the detail screen you may either:

·       Click on the staff member name from the grid on the right

·       Hover over any Staff name on the left and then click View Details on the tool-tip that displays.

To view a different staff member once the detail screen is open, simply click a different staff name from the list of members on the left.

To exit the subject detail screen click the Left Arrow arrow icon to the left of their name.

To view off-site walkthroughs select the checkbox labeled “Display offsite observations”. These are walkthroughs that were done at schools other than the currently selected school.

Deleting more than one record

As shown in the screenshot below, you can select multiple records individually or you can select all by clicking the checkbox in the top left. The 'Delete Selected' button will show how many records you have selected. Clicking it will delete the selected records. 

Note: You are unable to delete record that you did not create or have been archived from a prior school year.

Email Log

Anytime a form is emailed out of eWalk, an email log will be created. If you see an '@' sign, this mean the form has been emailed at least once. Click on the '@' sign to view the email log.