Build Permission Sets


You may use Permission sets to define default permissions for users that have a specific role (e.g. administrators, principals, teachers).

You may grant site-wide, role-based permissions.

Creating and Editing Permission Sets Using the Permission Sets Tool

Click the Build Permission Sets icon under Admin Functions.

Click Create permission set to create a new permission set.

Type in the name, select the various radio buttons, which are grouped in several categories, such as General, IEPx and Groups. Scroll down to view all the radio buttons.

Click the Save icon.

The Delete and Share icons are activated once the new permission set is created.

Using Permission Sets to Set Member and Site-Wide Permissions

Viewing, Deactivating and Editing Members explains how to edit a site member's data. In particular, editing a member's permissions is discussed:

Permission sets may be used to define the default permissions that are granted to all or most users that perform a specific role (such as administrators, principals, teachers). Using the Site Manager tool, you may use permission sets to define/edit either individual or role-based permissions.

Click the Edit icon in the toolbar to edit the member.

Editing a member can be performed also by clicking the Edit icon beside a member, as previously explained.

Click the Save icon when you are done.

Click the Cancel icon to reverse the changes that you have made.

Click the Permissions icon in the toolbar to grant permissions to the member.

You may click the On radio button, if not already selected, to grant the user the respective permission.

It may be the case that some permissions are granted by default when you a new user is created, or perhaps you are editing a user who was granted before certain permissions that you want now revoked. You may click the Off radio button to revoke the respective permission.

NOTE: You need a special permission yourself to grant permissions. You may grant only permissions you have yourself to other members.

You may grant the site member a previously created permission set by using the Permission Sets: drop-down to select the desired permission and by clicking the Load set button.

Of course, you may then proceed to tailor (i.e. edit) the permissions of the selected permission set to the user.

Using the Site Manager, you may also grant site-wide, role-based permissions.

Click the Permissions icon after having selected a site.

Site Management explains how to grant site-wide, role-based permissions.

An excerpt is reproduced below:

Click one of the roles (Administrators, Principals, Teachers, Students) to select it.

You can now define the permissions that will be assigned by default (i.e. automatically) whenever a new user having the respective role is created, i.e. whenever a new user is added to the site.

To do so, you may first choose a permission set using the Permission Sets: drop-down.

Click Load set to load the permission set, i.e. to have the On and Off radio buttons reflect the selected permission set.

If necessary, use the On and Off radio buttons to fine-tune the selected role's permissions.

Click the Save icon when you are done.

WARNING: It is necessary to click the Save icon in order to ensure that the permission defaults take effect.