Value Lists

The ‘Value List’ button is used to create Value Lists. Value Lists are lists of items that are used in Droplists and Rubrics. Value Lists are also used to ‘rate’ checklist items. Thus you could have a Value List with items such as ‘good’, ‘needs repairs’, and ‘should be replaced’, that would be used to rate a checklist of technological items instead of just checking the items off as with a typical checklist.

Creating a Value List

Value Lists are created by selecting ‘Value List’ to display the Value List edit window (Fig. 1.1) which has a list of the current Value Lists and a button to create new ones. There is a checkbox beside each value list and you can select several at a time and then delete them with the Delete button. The column ‘# TEM’ shows the number of templates that are using each Value List, and the column ‘# ELE’ shows the number of elements that are using each Value List.

Figure 1.1 The Value List edit window

Figure 1.2 Value List information window

Mousing over the question mark will show details about a Value List (Figure 1.2) , and if a Value List is being used anywhere, you will not be able to delete it. To create a new Value List, select the New button (Fig. 1.1). You are presented with a new window (Fig. 1.3)and you can copy an existing value list, and then modify it, or create a new one by naming it, entering an item and selection the Add button.

Figure 1.3 New Value List window

Figure 1.4 Editing a Value List

As you add items to your list, you can change the order by selecting the dragging icon and dragging them, by selecting the edit icon, or by selecting the delete icon (Fig. 1.4). If you edit an item, the ‘edit’ icon (a pencil) changes to a ‘check mark‘ (Fig. 1.5) and you need to save that particular item by selecting the check mark, or cancelling the edit by selecting the ‘cancel box’ beside the check mark.

Figure 1.5 Editing an item

When you Value List is completed, you can save and leave the window by selecting Save & Close at the bottom of the window (Fig. 1.6).

Figure 1.6 Saving a Value List