Response to Matthew Nojiri

At Reading Eagle

By Lucy Barnes

Response to Matthew Nojiri

Article- 'Chronic Lyme Disease' troubling diagnosis

Reading Eagle

July 18, 2017

Dear Matthew,

You do realize the treatment guidelines the IDSA/CDC cling to are over 10 years old (5 years means expired and taken out of the public domain), and the guideline authors were found to be riddled with conflicts of interest, by then Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (currently Senator). If they admit they were wrong now, many, many more law suits could be filed against them for all the damage they’ve caused.

You do realize that those who you report are on target with the facts have patents and financial interests related to Lyme tests, vaccines, etc. and push this garbage to keep the money flowing their way? Don’t believe me? Just check the facts (it is called “research”). AG Blumenthal (CT) stated after his lengthy investigation concerning the Lyme guideline authors was completed…

QUOTE- "The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion. In today's healthcare system, clinical practice guidelines have tremendous influence on the marketing of medical services and products, insurance reimbursements and treatment decisions.” Source

Now, would you want to be treated for a disease that can make you chronically ill, disable you or kill you based on outdated and corrupted guidelines for something like cancer, heart disease, MRSA, or anything else? Then why is it ok for Lyme patients to be subjected to those conditions? And why are you helping those who have financial motives that are putting profits above patients? Why didn’t you check your facts before publishing this garbage?

If you will please take a look at this list of “How Wrong Can They Be?” and ask yourself why are there so many suicides by Lyme patients, so many who are totally disabled and dying, and ask your self has science since debunked the “so-called facts” you reported in your throw together, no research article? (Hint, they have).

You have done a sincere injustice to people in a highly endemic state (PA) and people across the county by falling for this old IDSA/CDC tactic- reporting without fact checking. You have been added to the “list” for sharing “OLD” news and inaccurate information.

And still, I hope you never suffer from a serious illness because someone like you didn’t bother to do their job and blew it when reporting about it. BTW- NJ has the largest Lyme Disease organization (LDA) in the world. You couldn’t be bothered to pick up the phone or drop them an email to, at the very least, research BOTH sides?

Sad sad sad…

Lucy Barnes