Hylwa, Sara A.

It appears Sara Hylwa spends considerable time combing the internet to find information to use against sick patients. Since 2011 she has had time to throw together over 20 articles (mostly individual case reports) SHE may think would pass as scientific, but with a brief review it is clear she has an ugly agenda, huge ego and a profit- and fame-above-patient care mentality.

It seems Sara Hylwa has hit the Lyme disease & Morgellons scene wanting to trash people. In a supposed medical journal she is belitting them, calling them everything except totally "CRAZY", and condeming experienced doctors medical findings instead of curing or helping patients. What drives an aging doctor to do these things? What makes them stalk sick patients on the internet and use personal information against them? If they are trying to boost their career or status this is certainly not the way to do it.

We've got to ask what good did writing the recent Morgellons/Lyme article do for Sara Hylwa or her career? What good did it do the thousands of patients who are suffering? Why come out of nowhere and throw together a sloppy rehash of previous objectional and inaccurate material?

You know, based on her growing pile of trashy "stuff", we certainly can NOT recommend her, her medical practice or any of her potentially poisoned publications. The only thing we can do is hope she doesn't reproduce.