Response to Beth Mole

By Lucy Barnes

Response To Beth Mole On Her Article

Report reveals years of suffering, death from therapies for “chronic Lyme”

June 19, 2017

Ms. Mole,

I hope you are proud of yourself. Frankly, your article makes me and many others very angry and sick to the stomach. Why on earth didn’t you do your research before printing this garbage?

Yes, I am angry. I’ve spent 32 years (as a volunteer) working as hard as I can go both day and night trying to help people, especially the children, who are becoming chronically ill, disabled and dying from the IDSA/CDC’s ongoing refusal to let them be treated with medications or anything else.

The IDSA and CDC (IDSA's money bag) have had to cover their backsides because their 2-3 weeks of antibiotics didn’t work, and now law suits would rip them to pieces if they didn’t hold their failed position. That failed position is only ONE of many they've had over the last 3 decades.

How Wrong Can They Be?

Have you checked out Johns Hopkins multiple studies showing Doxycycline, that is recommended by the IDSA/CDC for Lyme disease and has been for decades, WON’T work on persister cells? This situation is causing patients to relapse after a short course of antibiotics are prescribed.

Additional antibiotics CAN & DO help if they are the right ones. Here is just one of those studies. Check out how many other drugs CAN be used successfully (already approved for use, but are still denied by the IDSA/CDC).

BUT, having this information and hundreds of other scientific studies that support the same conclusions, the CDC/IDSA still refuses to offer suffering patients anything but this, in their own words… some BORROWED recommendations from other diseases. Not real scientific, is it?

QUOTE- "Though prolonged antibiotic therapy is not the answer, we do not know what is truly helpful. Our personal approach is centered on making thorough assessments for alternative diagnoses such as sleep disorders and providing recommendations borrowed from practices in general medicine." Source NEJM-

Now, with one careless, sloppy, inaccurate article you have destroyed much of our years of efforts to help the patients so we don’t have to watch them suffer, or worse yet, have to bury them.

As a "reporter" you need to do your job as it should be done and at least make an attempt to research a topic before you destroy any more lives. When people are suffering in extreme pain, are so exhausted they can't function and their organs are shutting down, and the CDC/IDSA offers NOTHING to help or save them... well, if you were one of them what would you do?

BTW- Did you know those you are supporting have been investigated by the Attorney General for corruption? These are the AG's conclusions in a nut shell...

"The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion.

Deaths From Untreated or Improperly Treated Lyme and Tick Borne Diseases

Official Reports of Deaths From LACK OF TREATMENT

Obituaries from NO treatment, or too little antibiotic treatment, NOT too much!

CDC/IDSA Attacking Patients & Doctors Again- WHY?

I leave you with this, while hoping your retract your original version of that article ASAP and at the very least apologize to those who are suffering...

If Camp A was right, there wouldn’t be a Camp B.

Lucy Barnes