Bartlett, John G.

John G. Bartlett

JOHN G. BARTLETT, MD, a dedicated physician, researcher, and care provider who has shaped the discipline of infectious diseases with his trademark humor and compassion for more than 40 years, is the recipient of IDSA’s 2005 Alexander Fleming Award for lifetime achievement. Previously known as the Bristol Award, the Alexander Fleming Award is granted in recognition of a career that reflects major contributions to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge about infectious diseases.

Dr. Bartlett is professor of medicine, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, and chief of the AIDS service at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He currently serves on 16 editorial boards and consults for numerous national and international organizations involved in infectious diseases research and care. He has developed federal guidelines for HIV prevention and antiretroviral therapy and is recognized as a leading authority on bioterrorism.

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Conflicts of Interest Reported- HIV Advisory Board, Pfizer, Abbot, BMS, Tibotec, GSK, Policy Board- J & J, Advisory Board- Arpida.

Wiki Entry Quote

He followed Gorbach to Tufts University and went to Johns Hopkins University in 1980 as a professor and head of the infectious disease department. He rebuilt the department (from an annual budget of around $ 280,000 to $ 56 million in 2005), launched the AIDS program at Johns Hopkins in 1983 and opened an AIDS clinic in 1985, the second largest in the country after San Francisco became (2005). Since 1997 he has been co-chair of the committee for the official guidelines for antiretroviral therapy of HIV in the US. With DA Henderson in 1997 he founded the Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies. His department also includes a comprehensive hepatitis program and one of the world's largest (2005) tuberculosis departments. In 2006 he retired.

After a heart attack in the 1980s, he focused on writing guidelines for the treatment of infectious diseases and wrote a series of regularly updated guides and his HIV guide has been translated into many languages. With Sherwood Gorbach and Neil Blacklow, he is editor of a standard infectious disease booklet with 34 editions between 1992 and 2004.
